N-400 Chicago timeline, experience, advice

avjohn said:
Rusom - I completed my interview on 12/1 and Friday I received a letter for my oath ceremony for 12/14.
Just returned after the Oath ceremony with the Certificate of Naturalization, Good Luck to all like me still awaiting the magic to happen
avjohn said:
Just returned after the Oath ceremony with the Certificate of Naturalization, Good Luck to all like me still awaiting the magic to happen
Would you please tell us your time line and a little details about the oath experience, maybe a little about the Interview could help many people here!

Thank you and God bless!


sony55 said:
Would you please tell us your time line and a little details about the oath experience, maybe a little about the Interview could help many people here!

Thank you and God bless!


I had posted my timeline earlier in this thread, here is the approximate again:
N-400 sent in April 2005
Interview scheduled for Oct 14 2005 but rescheduled due to Katrina
Interview on Dec 1
Oath on 14

Interview was fairly straight forward - the interview officer took the interview letter, green card and one more thing (I dont remember but probably the passport). She asked me to keep all other things on the side not on the table. Then after going through those and matching with her information in the file, she asked me the civics question, I answered 6 correct out of 8. I messed up on who the Chief Justice is and one more. Then she asked me to write "Congress passed laws in United States". Then she told me that I passed the test. I dont remember if she asked question before this test or after but there were questions around where my wife was (she decided not to apply for USC right now) and touching on why I wanted to be a citizen.

After the interview she gave me a couple of N-600 forms for my kids and told me how to fill them.

The oath was a very interesting experience, more at personal level rather than any other thing that can be shared. Suffice it to say that it is an experience to be cherished but not much can be shared for any one else's advantage. Some logistics tips for folks taking oath in Chicago (Dearborn St):
- You can bring family with you
- It does become quite cold and windy (a warning even for folks from suburbs)
- If you have elderly people with you then request the USCIS administrator to get them more comfortable seats, the administrator was very courteous
- Be early because then you get to sit in front which is better if your family is taking pictures

Enjoy the experience - it began as just one more thing to get over with but the overall experience was very inspiring and put an entirely different perspective and meaning on this event.
New Update

Good Morning Everyone!

I went to chicago district office to check the status of my case. The outcoming of this appointment was not too promising in a way. Looks like who ever falls under peoria or down Illinois, it might take a while before we hear from the INS, according to the officer, they should have minimum people before they can schedule an interview :rolleyes: . Last year, interviews were held during April, so there might be a chance we might fall under that, but never know.

Some one was telling me to chance my address to Chicago and see if that helps, did any one tried that??? Let me know..

Good Luck!


My TimeLine:

N400 Received : May 3, 2005
Letter from INS: received on May 11, 2005
FingerPrint Received: May 28, 2005
FingerPrints Done: June 11, 2005
Interview Date : ????
Oath Date : ????
"according to the officer, they should have minimum people before they can schedule an interview"

I'm not sure what that means. Why would you need a minimum number of people from a certain area to schedule interviews for people in that area?? What difference does it that make? Aren't all interviews done in Chicago?
So far for me:

Receipt date: 7/22/2005
FP date: 8/25/2005
Interview: 1/10/2006
Oath letter received: STILL WAITING ANXIOUSLY.

I hope the 2-3 weeks time frame that some of you seem to have had, holds up with my case. I will update accordingly. Good luck to all.

The officer said thats all she knows.. Even I felt it was not much I got out of this...waste of money and time.. :mad:
Thanks for the update Reddy79

hi there, thanks for the update! this is very frustrating. to be honest, i have completely forgotten abt this whole deal. it just makes u sick when u start thinking abt it.

it is not our fault that v r in peoria. this is totally unfair. let's wait and c what the future holds??
Rusom and others, FYI

hey rusom,

i believe our interviews will be in peoria or springfield depending upon where v live. the USCIS website mentions this for all applicants outside of chicago. hope this answers ur questions regarding Reddy79's comments. :(
Chicago Timeline and Interview Update

Hi! Guys,
Here is my Citizenship application timeline and interview update.

Location: Chicago
Application Mailed Date: 08/04/2005
Receipt Date: 08/11/2005
Fingerprint Date: 09/08/2005
Interview Notice Date: 10/28/2005
Interview Date: 01/19/2006
Oath Date: ???

Interview Update: My wife was scheduled for 8:25 AM and I was scheduled for 8:45 AM. We arrived at the Chicago Citizenship office by 7:15 AM. We had the initial screening done and waiting for the interview in a few minutes. My wife was called in at 7:50 AM. Apparently 2 candidates ahead of us were late so they called us early. My wife was out by 8:00 AM and the same officer called my for the interview. I was out by 8:10 AM.

The whole interview process took not more than 10 mins from start to finish. We had 6/6 questions right on the history/civics test. The officer was extremely friendly and very helpful. I had 3 tickets in the past 10 years. As he was going through the application, he infact asked my if I was ever convicted or stopped by a law enforcement official. I did say that I had 3 minor speeding tickets. He said that was ok and didn't even bother to check the Court/DMV documents that I had gathered.

My suggestion for the prospective interview attendees is to stay cool through the interview process and just answer to the questions. Answer anything that you think is relevant regarding tickets, taxes etc.

I had with me the Court/DMV documents for speeding violation, Tax returns for the past 5 years, IRS certified tax summary statements for the past 4 years, Marraige certificate, utility bills for proof of residence, bank statements for the past 6 months, green card, passport, interview letter and social security card.

We both had our names changed. My wife had to change her name from maiden name to married name and I had a minor change to my first name to remove a space. The officer was extremely cooperative in gathering the information and he did suggest that this was a good time to change names etc. He finally gave the letter stating that we passed the test and the interview process and that he recommends the approval of our citizenship.
At present we are waiting for the oath letter. The officer mentioned that we should expect the oath letter in the 60 to 90 days. I am hoping that we receive the oath letter in the next few weeks.

We are planing to R2I in May of this year and hopefully we get the OCI by then. I hope the above information will be helpful for other readers. If you have any questions, please post them and I will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge.

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My interview was on Jan. 10th. I received my oath notice on Jan. 24th. My Oath Ceremony is on Monday, Jan. 30th. Pretty fast I would say. Good luck to all.

I have given my inteview on Oct 3rd 2005 and now I am waiting for my Oath dates and its been 3 months already...my license had old address so I was told to change it and send the copy officer which I did the next dya.. after that i didnt get any reply.. i had posted him too but no reply by the guy..

I am in Saudi now adays and I am planning to take InfoPass appointment. My question is InfoPass is effective? i mean do they tell you how much time it would take for Oath date?

please tell me because I dont want to buy SR 6000 riyals ticket and come all the way and get time wasted..
Finally........Its here!!!!

Hello Geebee23, reddy79 and everyone else from central IL who has been wating....

I finally got my interview letter in the mail! Looks like reddy79 was right. My interview is scheduled in April. I'm glad at least i now have a date that i'm waiting for instead of just waiting endlessly. Let me know if you guys heard anything. If not, hopefully it will be soon!!!

Also, I wanted to ask those who have already received interview notices or given their interviews, how long did the notice state it was going to take. Mine states that it will take approximately 2 hours.

rusom said:
Also, I wanted to ask those who have already received interview notices or given their interviews, how long did the notice state it was going to take. Mine states that it will take approximately 2 hours.

That's about right. The actual interview takes 15 minutes, tops! It seemed to me that applicants are pre-assigned to CIS officers who have their case loads scheduled at 20 minutes per applicant. So unless you're travelling from afar, there is no need to arrive too early. Also from what I observed, if an applicant is not present at his/her appointed time, the officer simply calls the next one on his/her list and squeezes in the late applicant later on.

I had my interview in late January (oath scheduled for mid-Feb). I followed some of the advice I read on this board. Brought supporting documents but did not bring them out (and officer didn't ask for them either). I also did not mention in my app the 3 or so speeding tickets I've had. And it does seem that CIS officers are not interested in non-DUI violations. I overheard one officer telling an applicant that she did not have to go through a lot of trouble documenting her speeding tickets. CIS officers want to save time, too.
Congratulations Rusom!!!

rusom said:
Hello Geebee23, reddy79 and everyone else from central IL who has been wating....

I finally got my interview letter in the mail! Looks like reddy79 was right. My interview is scheduled in April. I'm glad at least i now have a date that i'm waiting for instead of just waiting endlessly. Let me know if you guys heard anything. If not, hopefully it will be soon!!!

Also, I wanted to ask those who have already received interview notices or given their interviews, how long did the notice state it was going to take. Mine states that it will take approximately 2 hours.

Congratulations Rusom!!! Looks like you finally made it to the next stage. Good Luck!!!

Hope the others like me waiting for ever will see the light of the day soon.
rusom said:
Hello Geebee23, reddy79 and everyone else from central IL who has been wating....

I finally got my interview letter in the mail! Looks like reddy79 was right. My interview is scheduled in April. I'm glad at least i now have a date that i'm waiting for instead of just waiting endlessly. Let me know if you guys heard anything. If not, hopefully it will be soon!!!

Also, I wanted to ask those who have already received interview notices or given their interviews, how long did the notice state it was going to take. Mine states that it will take approximately 2 hours.


Congratulations! By the way, where is your interview scheduled? and if you dont mind please provide your timeline and along which city you are from? I think this will help for others who are waiting like us endlessly till now.

I wish you good luck! get ready for the interview :)

thanks, Reddy
Here is my timeline:

PD: April 8, 2005
FP: Late May, 2005
ID: Mid April, 2006 - Peoria, IL
Oath: ???
DO: Chicago
Location: Bloomington, IL
Ca you share your experience on civil questions (tests)?

I will have an interview on 2/16. I would to know what types of civil questions will be given. Do you answer the civil questions in writting, verbal or m. choice? Thank you very much. Do: Chicago


RD: 9/23
FP: 10/26
ILRD: 11/28
ID: 2/26/06
Do: Chicago
Finally, it's here!!!!

hello all,

just wanted to share with u that i finally got my interview notice in the mail. i am scheduled for april 12 in peoria. hope the others on this forum from this part of illinois will have recd theirs too. good luck to all.

a quick question, r v supposed to orally answer the civic questions or is it multiple choice? and how many questions will be asked, 20?? please enlighten. thanks a ton. :) :cool: