N-400 application questions


New Member

I am filling my N-400. I have the following questions.

(1) Do I need to list the speeding tickets I got before I became permanent resident or is it fine to list only the citations in the past 5 years?

(2) In part-7 of the N-400 form, the first question is "A.How many total days did you spend outside the US in the past 5 years? Itm-C is to list all the travels undertaken after becoming permanent resident.
I got my green card (consular processing) on 8/1/2001 and I travelled to India during July 2001. For item-A, should I include the travel I made to India before I got the green card? If I include it, should I include the travel in item-C also?

Any help appreciated.
tintin said:

I am filling my N-400. I have the following questions.

(1) Do I need to list the speeding tickets I got before I became permanent resident or is it fine to list only the citations in the past 5 years?

Theoretically the question is: "Have you ever been arrested, cited"...so basically they're referring to everything since you were born...

(2) In part-7 of the N-400 form, the first question is "A.How many total days did you spend outside the US in the past 5 years? Itm-C is to list all the travels undertaken after becoming permanent resident.
I got my green card (consular processing) on 8/1/2001 and I travelled to India during July 2001. For item-A, should I include the travel I made to India before I got the green card? If I include it, should I include the travel in item-C also?

All the travels for the past 5 years...as of today everything after May 01, 2001

Any help appreciated.
For items A and C: "After becoming permanent resident..."

You became permanent resident when you entered the US with immigrant visa. Therefore, your trip to India prior to that entry date does not need to be listed.
Item-A of part 7 reads as follows.

"How many total days did you spend outside of the US during the past 5 years?"

It does not mention cleary as "since becoming permanent resident". So, the question here is, should the travels within 3 months before getting the permanent residency be listed for people that are filing N-400 3 months before the 5 year continuous residency eligibility.
tintin said:
Item-A of part 7 reads as follows.

"How many total days did you spend outside of the US during the past 5 years?"

It does not mention cleary as "since becoming permanent resident". So, the question here is, should the travels within 3 months before getting the permanent residency be listed for people that are filing N-400 3 months before the 5 year continuous residency eligibility.

My situation was similar having made a trip for CP. At the time of applying - signing N400 - within 3 months of completing 5 years, I had one more trip 'within the last five years' as compared to 'number of trips listed after GC' and I listed the trips as it was - i.e 1 more in '5 years' than the detailed listing of trips after GC.

The officer at the interview was confused about the extra trip and had to explain that one was for CP but within the 5 year timeframe at the time of applying. The officer was OK with that and it was no longer an issue. One could also give an updated page of the N400 at the time of the interview.