N-400 application: INS detention and Misrepresentation


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Hi Guys,

I've searched multiple forums for answers to my questions but couldn't find anything definite; thought you might have related experience.

N-400 application have a few questions related to moral character:

Part 10 Question 16 asks about citations and detention. I was in INS detention while waiting for my asylum hearing - will this be a YES for the purposes of this question even though this was never on my record?

Also, Part 10 Questions 23-24 ask about misleading US officials and lying to them in order to get immigration benefit (23) or gain entry to the US (24). I was on my way to Canada when I was stopped at US border in the airport for what I believed was real but really fake passport. I was not trying to gain entry to the US but had to apply for asylum to avoid deportation. So should it be YES or NO?

Anyone had any related experience?
Much appreciated!
No, I did't know that but had no way to confirm this either - I was told that's a dual citizenship passport. Hope this answers your question.
No, I didn't, since I was an asylee waiting in INS detention for resolution of my asylum application.
Similar Case

Hi Guys,

I've searched multiple forums for answers to my questions but couldn't find anything definite; thought you might have related experience.

N-400 application have a few questions related to moral character:

Part 10 Question 16 asks about citations and detention. I was in INS detention while waiting for my asylum hearing - will this be a YES for the purposes of this question even though this was never on my record?

Also, Part 10 Questions 23-24 ask about misleading US officials and lying to them in order to get immigration benefit (23) or gain entry to the US (24). I was on my way to Canada when I was stopped at US border in the airport for what I believed was real but really fake passport. I was not trying to gain entry to the US but had to apply for asylum to avoid deportation. So should it be YES or NO?

Anyone had any related experience?
Much appreciated!

My case is similar to yours. Could you please update your N-400?
Trully appreciated

Did you file I-602 waiver form?


I have noticed people who came into US with EWI or with false documents but some specific people only need to apply I-602. Why? Do you think having granted waiver is better when you apply for N-400.
