Myladoor, how often do you update your site

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The the latest reports are updated every other day, Main Tracker reports are updated weekly, and graphs are (mostly) done once a month.

Note: The frequency is posted on the home page.
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He try to upate every hour..Helping all VSC waiters...that\'s all he does...he is really dedicated to immitracker.....And He knows evrybodys ND and RD.
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He is an extremly busy person, and well compensated with a lot of Unhappy immigrants around the world! Well, that is to show how committed & convicted HE is about the THE JOB(immitrack). And the greater value He see in this work than a few more $. . After spending many millions, Helping INS and ALL ...what INS couldn\'t provide is what is being achieved by working part-time!?
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Guys & Gals, Why do you keep bothering Myladoor like this. If you don\'t want to see his site or if you don\'t want to update the info in immitracker just shut up and do your JOB. Don\'t waste time in critizing his good work.
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It seems that ID\'s TRQ and MP3 are new!! which suggests that they probably belong to Zata!!

Some people just have nothing better to do, instead put obstacles in front of productive people.

You guys lay-off, okay back off from Myladoor. If you don\'t see a value in this site or his work, then don\'t come here, go somewhere else.