Myladoor doen\'t have any other work


Registered Users (C)
He is just saying congrates to everybody even somebody who got approved..

last month....he has no other work I guess...Get a life Myladoor....
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Shut up ZATA..

Myladoor is doing great work - he is congratulating others - updating tracker at the same time..

Don\'t be jealous of Myladoor.
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What the heck is your point ZATA ?
Are you saying that MyLADoor is working too hard or ...
One look, your comment sounds a bit offensive.
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Well I have been browsing this board and I have gained some knowledge about what people are going through etc. However, I have not been able to understand the philosophy behind all those trackers etc.
From what I can understand, after reading the messages on this board, the INS and the law firms handling the cases do not follow any fixed procedures. Everything is very subjective and at the discretion of the people handling the cases.
So from my personal experiences I have discovered that I let the process run it course and not waste time tracking anything.
I would rather enjoy the beautiful weather outside.

DISCLAIMER: The above does not constitute any legal advice and the characters in the story are entirely fictitious.
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If you\'d rather enjoy the beautiful weather outside, I wonder what you are doing sitting in front of a computer posting this message.
BlueTooth I guess.
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There are always some individuals who don\'t appreciate, say bad things about others\' or their contributions. Those people are the ones who should get a life somewhere else.
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Guys, how big brain zata could have. I am sure not bigger than his name. Guys, there are thousands of them we all carry with us. Well, no one knows why they are there and what they are for. So we just ignore them. Lets pretend that one of them just fell on the keyboard and keyboard typed some wierd thing. So lets ignore it.

Myladoor, I am sure you are not demoralized with this one Zata. Please keep up the great work.
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Please do not discourage Myladoor is the one that is helping all of us cope with this difficult process! Alot of us would have gone nuts by now. I must defend him is a hero !! Great job Myladoor - keep up the great work.
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I try and be as decent as possible on these message boards, and not get into any kind of controversy, however anonymous this discussion may be.

But I must admit, Zata\'s message has provoked me into into making this outburst - Zata, get a fricking life. What do you plan to accomplish by maligning Myladoor, anyway? I suggest that you apologise to Myladoor.

And Myladoor, do not take the ramblings of an obvious loser to heart. The rest of the discussion board is with you, and lauds you for your commndable effort.

Way to go, Myladoor!
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Hey Zata What is your friggin problem man. You want to be a jerk, call up some of your friends and do it and get the hell outta here. You are a real JERK. If you dont know the meaning of it let me tell you it means ZATA.
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Well, One can let things run its course without doing anything leading a passive life and let things adrift. What the tracker and this board doing are keeping you informed by sharing the knowledge of the experienced folks and also keeping things in perspective for people waiting for years without knowing where they stand in this endless journey of PR.

Let Myladoor and countless people keep doing the good work they are doing and stop letting your mind loose in the form of above words....BTW if this offends you, get a life out side of this board man and Good luck!
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I can say with confidence that I am saying this on behalf of all the \'serious\' members of this board that we all appreciate
VERY MUCH the time and effort that myladoor spends on maintaining the trackers. If anything, I only wish all the participants
would keep it updated when their status changes thus spending a fraction of time that Myladoor spends maintaining it FOR
US. I dont have anything to say to Zata since I dont think he/she even merits that. Thanks Myladoor.
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Zata, good to hear your monotonous replies, I guess, got to you...that was not intentional.

Regarding your doubt: I am an extremly busy person, pretty good in managing my time, and well compensated with a lot of happy customers around the world! You might ask, why the bragging? Well, that is to show how committed & convinced I am about the THE JOB. And the greater value I see in this work than a few more $. After spending many millions or even billions, what INS couldn\'t provide is what is being achieved by working part-time!? With the hope that somebody somewhere someday will realize the MISSING SERVICE in INS and the future immigrants to this great country will benefit from it!!!

Friends: Thanks for all your support and postive attitude.
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Well said, Myladoor!
What you are doing is here is similar to Linus Torvald, the creator of Linux. He shown the whole world that with enthusiasm one man\'s effort can achieve something big organizatons can not achieve.

Be proud of yourself!