My wife wants to visit me by Xmas, Whats the quickest way to get her here.


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I just got married in Dubai about 3 weeks ago. I'm back in US, I'm a Permanent Resident. My wife wants to visit me by the end of the year so we can spend the winter together. Can anyone guide me as to which process is the fastest to get her over here for a visit.
Some of my friends told me that the visit visa for a spouse of a GC holder is pretty easy but some told me that its not. What do you guys think? Please advice me, Thank you.
I'm a citizen of Pakistan and so is she. She is living in Dubai with her parents and can travel to Pakistan to do paperwork.
Here is the whole situation.
I am a Green Card Holder.
On Dec 3rd 2013 I'll be eligible to apply for the citizenship.
I got married on Jan 28th 2013 in Dubai, basically just an Islamic court marriage.
My Plan is to apply for her GC through my GC asap.
I'll go to Pakistan in oct-nov 2013 for a big family wedding/reception thing.
Also apply for a visit visa for her so she can come to US with me by the end of Nov 2013 after the family wedding in Pakistan.
The plan is that she can stay here with me for 3-6 months, how ever much entry she gets stamped at the entry into US.
I'll apply for my citizenship in December 2013, I'll probably get it within 3-4 months.
Then I'll apply for her GC through my Citizenship and get it on a faster track, rather the one from the GC.
She can go back to Pakistan for the remaining 4-5 months and within that time her paperwork would be processed through my citizenship and then she can come back to US as a permanent resident on the GC.
What do you guys think?
Normally I would recommend filing the I-130 right now, because the wait time for spouses of permanent residents is a little more than 2 years, so if there was a long delay with your citizenship she'd still be able to immigrate in a couple years as the spouse of a permanent resident.

But you got your own green card through marriage, so you can't file for a new spouse until you're a citizen or you at least have 5 years as a permanent resident (an exception is if the marriage ended due to death). Expect to face some scrutiny over your first marriage in your citizenship interview and the green card process for your new wife. You'll need to preserve of your first marriage being bona fide so you can show it if they decide to scrutinize your first marriage during either process.

Getting the tourist visa will be difficult because she's married to a permanent resident, and the visa application requires listing the spouse or fiance in the US. She'll have to convince them that she understands that she's not supposed to stay and immigrate with a tourist visa, and that her plan is to return to Dubai without overstaying the visa, and she will wait in Dubai until she can get an immigrant visa at the consulate.

Is she studying or working in Dubai? If yes, I suggest that she applies for the tourist visa at the US consulate in Dubai, showing evidence of her job or studies (e.g. university ID, latest transcript) and her residence/work papers. Also evidence that her parents are living in Dubai. Right now she apparently has stronger ties to Dubai/UAE than Pakistan, so her ties to Dubai are what she should emphasize in the visa interview.
Thanks for the information above, Got some more questions for you.
So basically I can not apply for my wife until I become a US citizen because my green card was issued to me based on a spouse, so I can not apply a green card for another spouse unless I'm on the same green card.
Any idea as to how long is the process from the citizenship. Say that I apply for my citizenship on dec 5th, any rough estimate as to how long will it take for me to get my citizenship, and how long is the process after that for my wife to get here.