My time has finally come


Registered Users (C)
By the grace of God, my and my loved ones prayers, the very long wait is finally over and received my approval today. I had lost all my interest in this process but with this approval, I am now very relaxed and can make a trip to see parents in a week or two.

Here is some of my information:

ND, RD Oct 2001
Fingerprinting twice
Employment card thrice
Approved 04/07/04

Wwossen and my other forum buddies, hang in there and keep pushing INS to expedite your case. Your time will come soon!


I felt as I have seen my approval notice. My friend this is good news to me more than anyone in this forum and I can't tell you how happy I am to see your case approved. I was worried when you disappeared from our long discussion. Do you got any REF or contact big guys?

You deserve it my friend enjoy it and go home relax with your friends and family and come back for a new beginning and don’t forget to visit this site.

I wish you all the best

Your buddy wwossen
Thanks wwossen. I lost my interest in all this process so that was the reason I stopped visiting this forum.
Yes, I asked for senators help and my lawyer also had some direct correspondance with the INS. I don't know whether their help made this happen or was it my luck. God knows the truth..

I sincerely hope and prays buddies like you should get the approval soon.
Sorry to bother whatshappening. Appreciate if you could let me know these.

1. When did you contact the senator
2.What was the senators response ?

I too contacted senator but the response they got from CIS was "we are still processing 09/2001 yet, so wait for few more months".

Sorry to bother whatshappening. Appreciate if you could let me know these.

1. When did you contact the senator - some time in mid of last year and followed up couple of times.
2.What was the senators response ? almost same as yours

I too contacted senator but the response they got from CIS was "we are still processing 09/2001 yet, so wait for few more months".
