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My thoughts about the Lottery process


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Well it seems that this year is again over for me, so I would better start taking the new pictures for DV-2012 (if they finally decide to keep the Diversity Lottery program). My hopes are gone since so far:

- NLs have been arriving to my region (Africa) to those who live in US
- NLs have been arriving to my country of elegibility (Morocco) to those who are already living in US
- NLs have been arriving to my region to those who do not live in US
- NLs have been arriving to my region to those who live in my residence country (Spain)
- NLs have been arriving to my country of elegibility to those who do not live in US
- NLs have been arriving to my country of elegibility to those who live in my residence country (Spain)

So all possible combinations have already happened and no NL in my mail box. This is the second year my wife and I applied and no luck (double chance in two years would be like if applying 4 years for a single person, wouldn't it? :( )

As you can understand I started to panic and to lose hopes at this moment, and new questions have come up for me about the selection process, I know it is a lottery and there are many people that have been trying for years, but:

- If it is a random computer selection process, why they take 5 months to do so? Why the computer just shows the results right after the 2nd of December when the application process is over? It is a computer, isn't it? so it can handle such calculation in just a few minutes.
- So, don't you think they take those 5 months to check and "choose" the winners they want? Don't you think the process is not as random as they say?
- Also, why everybody that wins is the first time they apply? Why those that do not win, keep playing and playing with no success? This makes me to start thinking about how random it is...
- Also, for those that we are used to travel to US with a B1-B2 visa (I go there for 2 or 3 times a year) and have to go through second inspection at inmigration just because we are originally from an arab country, don't you think that we will be excluded by this "random" process forever?

What do you think guys?

Please, these are only thoughts that I am having these days because of so many hopes put on this, and so little results got so far, so I really ask your forgiveness for such stupid post.

Thanks and regards,
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Hi pizzaro, I am also Arab, but I applay just one time and i did it, I wont it but still waiting for my interview wich should be on Augest or Sept, another thing if you even won it maybe you wont get it, because I notice that most high case numbers from our region, but I have faith that I will have my chance for interview soon, good luck
Hi pizzaro, I am also Arab, but I applay just one time and i did it, I wont it but still waiting for my interview wich should be on Augest or Sept, another thing if you even won it maybe you wont get it, because I notice that most high case numbers from our region, but I have faith that I will have my chance for interview soon, good luck

So you got it this year?

On the other hand, as you can see you got it at first try. That is my theory.

yes first year but my case number is 29xxx and I am wating my interview and it should be on augest or sep. because after that I can't get it, so I am still waiting my number to be current
yes first year but my case number is 29xxx and I am wating my interview and it should be on augest or sep. because after that I can't get it, so I am still waiting my number to be current

Yes I know what you mean.

So do you know the cut off number for your country yet? I mean, here in Spain I know a Spanish girl that got the NL last year with a very high number (out of the cut off limit), she lost hopes, but it became current afterwards! and she got the VISA.

I think the cut off my change if all previous winners behind you do not acomplish with the requirements, so at least we can say that you are 50% away from the VISA, I wish you all the luck.
yes Asia and europe are so lucky becasue last 5 years in Augest all of the winners in Asia and Europe they become current, so I am optimistic about it, and the cut off number for July is 23500 Asia region, so it's kind cloe to my number, so wish me good luck, by the way I am palestanian
Dear Pizarro, Your thoughts and theory has no basis at all to me scientifically or otherwise. Computer of course can handle all that info at a glance, but you fail to realize that there are current applications for the previous year still running and administrative reasons will only allow things to go according to schedule. Even if the whole American public servants are to leave there other engagements to make sure you win the lottery and fly to America the next day, you might still not win. You have only applied twice and you are complaining. I won it before and it did not go through and I have been applying ever after and have now won. So you see that there is only one way to go and that is the way of patience and determination.
Good luck
Dear Pizarro, Your thoughts and theory has no basis at all to me scientifically or otherwise. Computer of course can handle all that info at a glance, but you fail to realize that there are current applications for the previous year still running and administrative reasons will only allow things to go according to schedule. Even if the whole American public servants are to leave there other engagements to make sure you win the lottery and fly to America the next day, you might still not win. You have only applied twice and you are complaining. I won it before and it did not go through and I have been applying ever after and have now won. So you see that there is only one way to go and that is the way of patience and determination.
Good luck

I am sorry but if you think I am complaining that means that you have not understood at all my post. As it is titled, they are my thoughts, I am not complaining nor pointing anybody, I am sharing what my brain thinks everyday about this matter, which can be right or not, I do not work in the KCC, do you?

On the other hand, I just asked if there are people that won after a first time or not.

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I can empatize but unfortunately I believe the process is truly random. If they actually do pick and choose, I will be at the top of the pile. I am Cambridge educated, have a very high net worth in cash+assets and by every other account, am someone who will absolutely fit in with no problems. Yet I have not been selected so far. I am not boasting at all and indeed, Pizarro and others, I am sure you are the same but the process has to be random if people like us are still left out till now. In fact, the whole DV process actually goes against you if you are from an advanced country and therefore more progressive in life. That is why you get tons more people chosen from Bangladesh/Nigeria/Nepal than say Singapore/Europe/Australia. I think they see the DV programme as another way of helping countries economically worse off (ie. as a form of "rescuing" people and giving them a chance of a better life). Those from more dynamic countries are, ergo, less likely to need this chance because they are better able to do it on their own.
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I can empatize but unfortunately I believe the process is truly random. If they actually do pick and choose, I will be at the top of the pile. I am Cambridge educated, have a very high net worth in cash+assets and by every other account, am someone who will absolutely fit in with no problems. Yet I have not been selected so far. I am not boasting at all and indeed, Pizarro and others, I am sure you are the same but the process has to be random if people like us are still left out till now. In fact, the whole DV process actually goes against you if you are from an advanced country and therefore more progressive in life. That is why you get tons more people chosen from Bangladesh/Nigeria/Nepal than say Singapore/Europe/Australia. I think they see the DV programme as another way of helping countries economically worse off (ie. as a form of "rescuing" people and giving them a chance of a better life). Those from more dynamic countries are, ergo, less likely to need this chance because they are better able to do it on their own.

Amazingly smart reply !!!
thanks buddy !

Two statements of fact that should help (as opposed to conjecture and theory):

1. I received notification of selection of DV2010 after my 13th attempt. I also know people who have been trying for many years and are unsuccessful. It is a lottery, only 100,000 out of 12 million or so are selected. Some are lucky, some are not.

2. The letters are sent between April and June - be patient and give it time! You will only know for sure that you have not been selected (and I hope you are...) from 1st July when you can verify the results online. If nothing, then it would be fine to ponder as you are.

Best of luck.