My theory on 485 approval based on FP is becomming true


Registered Users (C)
As i mentioned earlier, 485 approval is based on FP and not on RD and ND
for people who gave FP in year 2001. Very soon you will see people with RD and ND of JUNE,JULY 2000 but who gave FP in March and April will have their
485 approvals.

For people who delayed FP will have delay in getting 485 approval even though INS is currently approving your RD and ND cases.
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What\'s you opinion on my case:
RD Jan 5 2001
ND Jan 18 2001
FP March 29 2001.

According to your theory I will get 485 approval in about 3 months from now.

Any opinion would be appreciated. Thanks.
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I think FP date has nothing with approval process!
I know people who did FP in July, August are still waiting....
And some others who got early FP and early approvals belong to countries other than India...

I think FP date has to with FP location and Approval date is combination of your PD/Category/Country (logical so far) and luck (INS dependent! -- No logic)

Strictly my observation !!
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detroit ranger:

Can you elaborate on your statement: "early FP and early approvals belong to countries other than India".

I am curious because my country of chargeability is Switzerland.

I thought country has no bearing on 485 processing speed once the application has become current.
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GC_KE_PEECHE, What is the basis of your logic. Is it to make you happy as your ND, AD and FP are 2001. IF that is the case so be it.
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GC approval has nothing to do with FP.Tons of people with RD from Jan 2000 to Feb 2001 had doen their FP\'s simultaneously. GC approval It is strictly based on RD, only thing which dealys it, is when PD goes back and IIO\'s have to go back and dig the files of guys who have become current.
That\'s it.
PD: Jan99, RD: Jun 00, FP : Jan 01, AD :??
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According to me Murali should get his approval any time within
2 week.( Currently NSC is approving Jan 23 FP cases).

parasite should get it by 3-4 months.

Also my RD is Mar 2000 and ND is APR 2000. FP in Feb 3 rd week.
my cas should be approved by next 45 days.
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I agree with GC_KE_PEECHE. I have sort of observed the same pattern. I know two people with almost the same RD/ND but their FP date being a month apart and the guy who did FP earlier (on 1/16) has gotten his approval while the other is still waiting. Now this is only true for year 2001 FP cases. The people who have done their FP\'s in 2000 have a different pattern in approval.
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On this FP theory I should have gotten somthing by now on my 485:
EB2; PD 12/98; RD 04/13/2000; ND: 05/10/2000; FP: 01/21/2001!!!!!!!

Good luck in decoding INS\'s schedule
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"485 approval is based on FP and not on RD and ND" is in my opinion simply false , and misleading. You\'re confusing cause and effect relation.
There could be a co-relation between those two (and it\'s just my guess; because FP is valid for 6 months (or so ???) they try to send FP notices 3-4 months before they think the case is ready to adjudicate, sending it too far in advance wouldn\'t serve any purpose.
It\'s not the rule that they follow 100%, but based on my observation, it happens a lot.
So, when your time is getting closer, they send the FP notice,
not the other way around: "oh, you got your FP done -- now we have to approve your case"
My opinion, not gonna argue about that.
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I don\'t think GC_K_PICHE\'s FP theory is true.
MY RD Jun/2000, ND Jun/2000 and FP 1/16/01
What do you say?
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I don\'t think FP date has anything to do with AD. My lawyer told me, he sent out about 7 people together last March for I485, 3 person got appproved so far. I am still waiting. I got my FP on 1/9/01.
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Well here is mine i have no approval yet...!!!
PD 10/97; RD 03/29/2000; ND:04/24/2000; FP: 01/17/2001!!!!!!!
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Hello Guys:

  I found this post very interesting.
My case details are as follows:
RD: Sept 2000
ND: Sept 2000
FP: Feb 2001
EB2 India
Any forecasts on my 485 approval ?
My estimate is that it should be approved within 4 months from now considering other 485 approvals and dates.
Please advise what you guys think...
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it looks early FP has an advantage definitely.
EB2 india pd 01/99 rd 03/00 nd 04/00 fp 03/01 Ad waiting!
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How about this guys:

RD 3/12/2001
ND 4/2/2001

I have received FP notice for 3rd week of may? So should i expect my case to be processed in the next 6 months?!!
By the way i am in the following category
India EB2
PD March 99

Also i received a yellow form asking for letter from my employer and all the employment approvals that i have ever received. Is this normal? It is strange because My application sent two months ago included a letter from my employer. SO why do they require the same informaiton again??