My staming Exp


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Hi all...

Wanted to share my PP staming Exp in Dallas.

Got my 485 Approval e-mail on Jan 19 (self and spouse), and courtesy copies a week after that. Scheduled Infopass for both of us on Feb 1st. The appointments were an hour apart, but when we showed up were allowed to use the earlier appointment for both of us to enter. About a 5 minute wait before our number was called and we both got our passports stamped together.
Had all the docs requested (courtesy copies, EAD cards, and AP docs)

Here is the Kicker...

Apparently the TSC may NOT accept photos with your glasses on (I wear glasses). I was blissfully unaware of this and had 2 photos with my glasses on. The lady at the counter simply took the photos, told me that the TSC "may" reject them and if so I will get a letter, stamped my passport and bade me goodbye!
After I exited I saw that there was a photo center across the street. All she had to do was suggest I get new pictures taken there!

Now I simply have to wait for the "rejection" letter and send in new photos. Who knows how that will be handled?

Just wanted to let others know, so that you take photos WITHOUT your glasses (if you use them).

Anyone with similar exp?

Thanks POJ...

Looks like photos with glasses are acceptable according to the flyer and the guidelines posted on the link in the flyer...

So all may be well, but who knows with the USCIS?
I wear glasses and I submitted pictures with glasses, no problem at all. The new picture requirement is the same as passport pictures, which specifically indicates if you normally wear glasses, you should wear them in the picture!