My situation - 10/2001 filer


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Here is the summary of my petition process:

PD: 08/2000
RD: 10/2001
ND: 12/2001
1st FP: 2/2002
RFE notice: 10/2002
RFE received: 11/2002
2nd FP: 6/2003
EAC: 02-054-50XXX
AD: expect 10/2003 to be the earliest date!!

IIO has been telling me my case would be approved in 30-60 days for the past 8 months! Since Feburary this year, they always told me my case was just adjundicated. Even my lawyer told me my case was assigned to an officer in March. Then in May a supervisor told my lawyer that my case was NEVER assigned yet because my case was waiting the security check! Now the security check has probably completed, but it is invalid since my finger prints are expired! Then they will do the name and security check again with my second finger prints - another six months to a year, who knows!!!

We 10/2001 filers are the worst treated! First it was 9/11, then Anthrax (our files were not opened till December, and that is why even the lawyers got confused about the RD and ND all the time), then the security system set up, then FP expires...who knows what is next!

10/01 filers, let us stand up for our rights! I agree with what you suggested in the other threads, we must do something! I know it happened before that some files were not touched for some reason and got delayed for 20 months!

Anyone in similar situation?

BTW, I don't think senators help coz my friends tried.:mad:
Dont giveup hopes....

I know it is hard but dont giveup. Your day will come as it comes for other. It is just a matter of time.
I know that you are not alone. These days I see lot of Oct - Dec 2001 Approvals. I wish you would join that list soon.
Hi whereisgc2003,

Very bad, feel pity on your case. Eventhough your friends tried through senator with no success, I suggest that you approach your senator. I think it is worth the try. Would wish from my heart that you should get your approval soon.

Best of Luck
Your Situation Is Not the Worst

Hi whereisgc2003:

Here's a summary of my I-485 application:

RD: 10/09/2001
ND: 11/24/2001
FP: 01/22/2002
2nd FP: 06/06/2003

When I called INS in mid-last year, they told me that my case
would be assigned to an officer on July 15th and would be
processed within a month or two.

It never happened. I called them several times since. They always
told me it would processed in a month or two.

Then once they told me it was never assigned because my RD
was 11/24/2001. I corrected her that my RD was 10/09/2001.
Then she insisted that my receipt date was 11/24/2001.

Even after the INS published its processing time to be later than
Nov, 2001, my case was still not approved. I then asked the
senator to help. They learned from INS that my case was never
processed because I didn't pass security check.

I called FBI to ask why I didn't pass security check. They told me
they were only responsible for FP. There were other government
agencies in charge of security clearance. Now I don't know what
these agencies are and how I can get a security clearance.

My co-workers who applied I-485 were all approved early in the
year except me. And I don't see any hope. My lawyer has
never and will never contact the BCIS for me. They said it's normal
for my case not approved, and they don't understand why I'm
so concerned. They also suggest me to renew my EAD which will
expire in late September. I feel I get totally stuck.

But there's a good news for you, and all of us: Mr. Rajiv will send a letter to BCIS on behalf of all our October filers to urge them
to set October cases as high priority. I'm in the process of
coordinating this petition letter.

Please be alerted to check both and There will be a link to this letter in a
matter of a few days. We should all sign the letter to voice our

We are going to turn mishap into victory!

yes - still awaiting - RD10/2001


I have been awaiting patiently for the approval. It has definately been quite stressful wait of my life - just wondering why me! All my friends are past this and are amused that I am still waiting...

I really have high hopes on the initiative taken to sign a support petition to speed up the backlog cases first especially the 2001 batch. Will really be grateful to all those taking the lead and Rajiv.

Mine attorney (a leading desi attorney) has asked to keep my mouth shut and said their office cannot do any thing and I dont call them. Told me it will take years or it may not happen - was quite shocked.

Friends let's hope the initiative will work and we will be out soon!

Thanks a lot for your support! I am sure this waiting will finish.

One thing I don't understand is why 10/01 cases are backed up so badly!? Since everyone goes through the same security check process, why Dec, Jan, even Feb. cases are approved now? Are they supposed to go through the same process?

I sincerely wish God helps us 10/01 and all other delayed cases. We have been contributing to this country every day, but we are not treated with the tiniest bit of conscience!
Re: Your Situation Is Not the Worst

I appreciate your spirit and optimism - Keep it up, and I am sure you will be rewarded.

Originally posted by Clueless123
Hi whereisgc2003:

Here's a summary of my I-485 application:

RD: 10/09/2001
ND: 11/24/2001
FP: 01/22/2002
2nd FP: 06/06/2003

When I called INS in mid-last year, they told me that my case
would be assigned to an officer on July 15th and would be
processed within a month or two.

It never happened. I called them several times since. They always
told me it would processed in a month or two.

Then once they told me it was never assigned because my RD
was 11/24/2001. I corrected her that my RD was 10/09/2001.
Then she insisted that my receipt date was 11/24/2001.

Even after the INS published its processing time to be later than
Nov, 2001, my case was still not approved. I then asked the
senator to help. They learned from INS that my case was never
processed because I didn't pass security check.

I called FBI to ask why I didn't pass security check. They told me
they were only responsible for FP. There were other government
agencies in charge of security clearance. Now I don't know what
these agencies are and how I can get a security clearance.

My co-workers who applied I-485 were all approved early in the
year except me. And I don't see any hope. My lawyer has
never and will never contact the BCIS for me. They said it's normal
for my case not approved, and they don't understand why I'm
so concerned. They also suggest me to renew my EAD which will
expire in late September. I feel I get totally stuck.

But there's a good news for you, and all of us: Mr. Rajiv will send a letter to BCIS on behalf of all our October filers to urge them
to set October cases as high priority. I'm in the process of
coordinating this petition letter.

Please be alerted to check both and There will be a link to this letter in a
matter of a few days. We should all sign the letter to voice our

We are going to turn mishap into victory!

Originally posted by whereisgc2003

I sincerely wish God helps us 10/01 and all other delayed cases. We have been contributing to this country every day, but we are not treated with the tiniest bit of conscience!

I understand your situation.
There are many others in same situation as you

And You know there are many many others in this world who are in far worse situation than you.

DO NOT FEEL silly that you are contributing to this country. You came into this country because you want to live in 'already' developed neat country.
I sincerely appreciate Mr Rajiv's efforts in this case. Hope your cases will be addressed and resolved soooooon.