My Sad Story

Still Waiting

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On December 23rd I got a phone call from my country that my father was critically ill. I was in 485 stage whose RD was Sept 3rd 1999. I did not have advance parole. I waited till 26 th of December as 25 th was a holiday. Luckily I got the parole and started for India on the same day. By the time I reached my place everything was over. I lost my wonderful Daddy. I was so unlucky. I came back to US two days ago. I have seen my GC approval letter. This has not made me happy at all. I went for the stamping last Friday and IIO told me that I may get the card with in 12 months. Who cares....

Any questions please let me know.

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I feel sorry for you and pray to God, May your father soul rest in peace. What ever happen has to happen it is fate and everybody has to accept it. My situation is worst than yours I am from Ahmedabad India Yes the Earthquack ZONE. My mother father and brother are still there I am trying to reach them since four days but unsuccessful. I heard that out of the three blocks in our society one totally collapsed and one is heavyly damaged No power no water no phones I don\'t know what to do and where to go????????? I donot have AP and I \'ve rec\'d RFE on Jan 18th for Empl Letter my company is Acquired on Jan 11th My ND is 9/24/99..........I am hoping and praying to the almighty lord for well being of my family.

Can you tell me how to get AP and what docs needed for AP?

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That is the prize we have to pay for being so far away from home.
It happend to me too. My god like mother expired 3 weeks after I landed here but I could not even go for the ceromany either ... She still lives in my memory and comes in my dreams almost everyday. That\'s the only consolation I have, Well we can\'t run against fate. What can we do except to get on with our life ...
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very sorry to know about your situation. Sometimes I will sit back and think...what are we gaining by begging INS to give us green card? Our parents and dear ones ...aren\'t worth more than that? We are so helpless in this country and no one can ever make INS to realize their mistakes. Anyway, my heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
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Death comes to all of us. It is a matter of
time. Be happy ! If your dad were alive he
would n\'t want you to be sad. Do things
what your father would have wanted you to do.
Where ever he is I am sure he is very proud.
I lost my dad when I was 24. I was working
in a place 6 hours away from my place and by
the time I got home it was already too late.
Things happen in certain way because god wants
them to happen that way. May be god had a
more impartant role for your dad. Always remember
him for what a sweet dad he was and how lucky you
are to have had him as a dad. Life goes on.
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I hope everything is well at home. The following are the documents needed to get AP.
1) Two photographs (It can be a passport photograph or immigration photograph)
2) They asked me for the proof. (I showed the fax from the hospital)
3) Photo copies of our Receipt notice of I 485.

That is all. Thank you for the support and wish you good luck.

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Hi Hanuman,
I Hope your dear family is well. I think you should go their as soon as possible and meet them in person. They surly need your sholders to lean on after such a divastating experience.
VSC INS is not going to go anywhere.
my best wishes
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Friends, Thanks very much for your feelings but please help me here
I want to go to India I don\'t have AP and more over I don\'t have receipt of 485 filing my attorney said they never got one from INS all they are giving me is receipt #.

What should I do to get AP?
I have copy of RFE dated Jan 12, 01 which has my receipt # can I use this in place of receipt? I also have valid EAD upto oct 01?

Please help me if I need anything else,I can not think of anything at this moment.
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You are not alone, we all of us have to go through this

My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
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Sorry to hear about your Dad. Please accept my condolences.
I lost my Dad 5 years ago. Had been in US for just 3 months. Important thing to remember is life still goes on. It needs to be lived for the ones whose company you still cherish. It is impossible to fill the void of the lost ones and time is the only cure for it. As life goes on you embark on more important tasks and thats worth living. So hang in there. Every body get their share of good times and bad times. Both of them don\'t last long. Thats life.
Take care
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you can go to your local INS with the application for Advance parole. Take your EAD and I-485 Receipt number with you.
you can get your Advance parole on the spot. I think no need for the physical I-485 receipt. Also try to get another copy
of your I-485 receipt at the local INS for future use.
good luck