My partner's F1 visa application was denied in London


New Member
Hello all,

My partner and I have been together for 2.5 years, and we were looking at different options for him to come to the US. Our plan was to have him come on a F1 visa, study, and apply for a change in status if (when) the immigration laws relax and allow for same-*, married couples. If the immigration laws never do relax, he will be returning home to London and I will move there. I will be financially supporting him.

At no point would his intention be to live in the US (meaning, he would always expect to have to return to London) until the immigration law is different.

He went for his F1 interview this morning and was denied after only answering two questions:
1) What are you currently studying and are planning to study?
2) Is your sponsor your friend or partner? (he answered friend)

We are thinking about him going for a second interview. For this go around, he is planning to disclose the situation in full (if given the chance) to the consular. After all, there are objective reasons why he would return to London:

- His goal is to emigrate to the US to practice Nursing, which is not possible as an illegal immigrant
- He would not get a chance to return home to see his family
- He would lose all future chances at emigrating
- If he needed to return home for an emergency, he wouldn't be able to return to me
- He is planning to transfer to a different school after a few years -- would not be possible if he's violated his visa

Has anybody tried this approach on an interview? Is it a waste of time to basically say, look. i'm in a relationship, but i'm actually going for school and i'm planning to emigrate legally.
Interview tip #1: Never lie to the Consular Officer!

There is nothing wrong with emigrating for school although you have a partner in the US and if the Consular Officer denied his visa, it probably won't be because of that but for other reasons. But go ahead and apply again.

Some tips:

Honesty and confidence is key, I believe. I think he should honestly explain what happened the first time around. If he does everything right, and was denied again, then maybe the Consular Officer was just having a bad day, or is just an a-hole. Good luck!