My N400 interview exp - Denver/NSC


Registered Users (C)
Mailed: 21st March 2007
PD: 22nd March 2007
FP notice: 5th April 2007
FP appt: 17th April 2007
Interview letter rcvd: 04th May 2007
Interview date: 18th June 2007

- Got done with my interview today..took about 15mins with a lady IO N-652 with "congratulation! your application has been recommended for approval....etc"

an addendum doc had info regarding Oath had something to the tune
"Generally your Oath ceremony will be scheduled within 90 days of the approval of your application"....

am assuming it's a standard stuff, but does it really take upto 90 days..I guess, I have
to look/search/track how the other in this city/district are getting their oath letters..

before I forget the fine is some info that might help others..

1. was at 8AM. went 1/2 hr before..this was in the satellite office of 12000 47th East st..(near paris st)
plenty of free parking.

2. The lounge/room was pretty empty..not too many people..they take ur ILetter inside and give it to IO's
and are called when the time is was on time, actually 10 mins early for me.

3. The English/civics test was first..
standard fare, answered the first 6, pretty easy/simple..forgot already the questions:)
Interesting fact was, I even memorized the 13 original states and told her about it..
but wasn't asked..we had a lighter moment about that..She said, she usually doesn't ask the
13 states question..

4. Then put me under oath and went thru the application..
asks/confrims the entries in the do check/go over it before u attend the Interview..

5. I had listed that I belong to IEEE etc etc and some other professional organizations..
I told her what they are etc..she made some more notes on it with a pen.

6. I had listed about a speeding ticket/citation < 100 bucks..She asked if it was
drug or alcohol related..negative..I then offered her my Driving records, she said, not
necessary but later took a copy anyway..She told that speeding/moving violation don't
need to be reported but if u report it, she said(am not making it up), that is an indication
of "good moral" character because you are being upfront.. (I corrected the date as well, it was so long
ago and had forgotten the eact date/month...1997)she wrote notes about it..BTW,
I didn't have any receipts or docs for the ticket I paid..but got the DMV records
to indicate all is clear..

7. she went thru my 5 trips in the last 5 years..all less than 60 days each..I didn't have
an incoming stamp this 2007 trip. Don't know why the immig folks at Denver airport
didn't stamp my passport...But I did have the air ticket stubs/eticket etc..I told her I have those docs if she
wants them..she said that's ok and didn't take it..

8. went thru some more confirmations from the N400 form..

9. at the end, she had me sign the form and asked if I am prepared to take oath etc..(my thoughts were,
yeah baby! show me the ceremnoy :)). She congratulated and gave me the N_652 with two X on the
"passed" thing and the other on the "congratulations" thing..

9. I was prepared with every conceivable docs/copies..7 year taxes, financials, all my INS docs..F1/H1/labor/I140/GC
employment etc etc..I have been here since 1991..went thru the whole F1 to H1 to GC (been GC since last 5 years)
But wasn't asked any of the those things..I guess, better prepared than be sorry..

10. BTW, my online status is still pending and received..:)

But I do have some questions to the folks here..

1. Reading this forum, Some people with F1 to H1 to GC had issues/delays in the application process.(especially
regarding the files collating and additional A# etc) dumb questions is,
even though I got the N-652 with "passed..", "congratulation.." and what to expect etc, is there a chance
for the final approval and oath letter getting delayed? The IO didn't indicate or broach any of those issues,
I didn't want ask and stir the hornets nest..

2. At this stage of the application, any unforseen delays experienced by others?

Hope that helps..
waiting for the oath letter...
Good luck everyone..
Congratulations !!!

Congratulations, on passing your interview. My interview exp was pretty much the same. Now the only thing between you and the Oath letter / Oath is TIME, I got my Interview letter couple of days after the interview & I was expecting it to be couple of months. Glad it happened when I was least expecting it, enough of that waiting if you know what I am spraying. My online case status is also showing "received & pending" and I am not expecting it to change anytime soon. Anyways here's my Timeline for Columbus, OHIO. Congrats once again!

N-400 Filed.....................Mid Sept 06
FP Completed.................Mid OCT 06
IL Received....................April/27/07
IL Scheduled..................1st week of June "PASSED"
N-445 Received..............June 13TH

Oath Ceremony..............July 10th
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You mentioned you got CO DMV record. Does it cover only 7 years?


Thanks everyone..

1. Nice to hear it will be sooner than 90 days..I was hoping I could complete Oath in and around July 4th..then again, am getting greedy ;-)

2. as to the driving records...CO can give it for 7 years
my 1997 was in a diff state, I also got the 7 years from that state.
My understanding is, if u have unpaid tickets etc, that would reflect on it and hence no bad entries means,
you are fine(could be wrong understanding on my part)

She asked for CO only, but I had other state stapled to it, so gave her both..

Thank you for all the helpful info you wrote.
I have my Fingerprints appointment on June 26 and I heard after that I may get the interview letter very soon. I hope so...even though I am a little bit nervous about the interview. Was the IO nice?
Any recomedation????
Thanks a lot again.
Good job. My IO said that my interview would be in the "next 60 - 90 days" but it actually came in less than a month. Your interview was fast; mine was a total of 50 minutes !!!!!!
Congrats Netzero! My interview was similar to yours, but I didn't get the document about the Oath ceremony. I was also kinda hoping for a 4th July ceremony, but haven't heard anything yet.
I'm glad you posted your traffic ticket experience here. There's always a question on here about tickets whether you should mention them or not. Everything I researched said no. So I never bothered stating them. When I had my interview the IO was pretty much the same as yours, they only cared about court dates if any and any DUI type driving offences. He didn't care about tickets either.

Maybe it's a Denver thing, but this is a good post to have others reference since you have the words straight from the IO about the issue. So this should help others when they're frantically trying to get tickets reciepts or whatever...

thanks very much! you made a good point. a record of 7 years should be enough.

some more info

Thanks again..

1. The IO/Lady was very professional, courteous and personable.
BTW, I was a bit over dressed with tie etc(interview..formal dress and all)..but I have
seen folks in the room in jeans and T-shirts, pretty casual..I guess, personal preference..
I presume speedo's and thongs is definitely a no no :)

additional things I remember..
2. She barely spent 30 seconds on my passport/travel in/out's. I was prepared though..I offered her an XLS print out of the outbound
and inbound dates and the passport page where stuff was stamped(becoz I had multiple old/new passports stapled to each other)
(like an index for easy perusal..being Engineer and anal and all:).. As you may know already. Outboud trips are not stamped on the passport but the port
of entry of the visiting country do stamp arrival dates (so -1 or -2 days when u left US)..arrival is usually stamped/signed
at the port of entry in US..

3. Am assuming they also have an electronic/computer records/tracking..since every time we leave/come in, GC is swiped(at the airline counter and immig counters)..

4. Now that I think of it, she did remove my N400 application from a thick folder with other papers..
I did see one of my previous/older doc in it. am assuming that it is all my INS papers/records with NSC..most of my stuff
happened with NSC region.

5. I had also sent 4 photos with the application, 2 with and without corrective lenses/eyewear..
there were conflicting info on the photo requirements in the application and on the UCIS website..
when it came for me to sign the photos, she said, pick your preference, I picked the eyewear one..she returned the unused one's..

6. While waiting in the lounge, I had seen pretty much all happy faces coming out of the interview section
and 3 cases came out less than 15 mins..the masters in washington must be slave driving the IO's :)

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I did take additional photos, but didn't get asked for them.
The IO had me sign the ones I sent with the N400 application.
Not really sure why some people get asked
for additional photos, even when they were sent with the me..
Do I need to bring photos to the interview? How many?

The point in bringing new photos is that they have to be recent (30 days or less), so chances are that you will have recently visited a Walfgreen's or Wal-Mart, and you are getting passport pictures by 4, 8 or 16, depending n their photo processing machine.

If this is the case, you might as well bring the whole set, in case it is needed.
oath complete in denver/CO

well folks, it took exactly 5months for the whole naturalization process..

I completed my oath ceremony today at Teikyo Loretto Heights Theater..pretty straight forward..the actual event was less than an hour...

here is my timeline..goodluck all..
useful forum, keep it up..

Mailed: 21st March 2007
PD: 22nd March 2007
FP notice: 5th April 2007
FP appt: 17th April 2007
Interview letter rcvd: 04th May 2007
Interview date: 18th June 2007
Oath Letter rcvd: 1st Aug 2007
Oath Ceremony: 22nd Aug 2007
passport applied: 22nd Aug 2007 (expedited)
passport rcvd: ????
well folks, it took exactly 5months for the whole naturalization process..

I completed my oath ceremony today at Teikyo Loretto Heights Theater..pretty straight forward..the actual event was less than an hour...


I also had my oath ceremony at Teikyo Loretto Theater today. The event wasn't too long but it took forever for them to start, then I waited forever to get my certificate (there were only about 4 people after me in the line, I was almost the last one) and then it took forever to get out of the parking lot :)

But I am happy it's behind me.

btw I mailed out N-400 on March 10th