My mom got visitor visa from Chennai Consulate


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My mom got visa from chennai consulate
Thanks to this forum and the web site for the visitor visa information. My mom had interview on 18th and she got the visa. After she gets it in courier I'll post more details. Thanks
visitor visa

My mom received her passport on saturday with 10 year stamping. Since I requested a translator she had to wait a long time. Her interview time was 11.30 a.m, but she was interviewed only at 4.30 p.m. Questions asked were:
1. What purpose are you going to US?
2. Who are there?
3. What is ur annual income?
4. Why are u going alone?
The officer saw only the documents sent by us. HE did not see any of my moms docs like property papers, bank statement etc...

Thanks to this forum. If anyone has any doubts I'll be happy to clear them.
Details on getting visitor visa at chennai

Could I get the details about :

1. A list of documentation needed for visitor visa stamping of my parents

2. A list of questions asked in interview

3. Chennai consulate's reputation

Congratulations on the visa.

I am trying to understand why some applicants receive 10 year visas and others receive only a few months. Do you have any thoughts on this? Was your mother working, was this her first visa application, how old is she? Is there a way one can request this?

Thanks in advance.
visitor visa

My Mom was here for 4 months in 99-2000. That time she got only 6 months visa. We cannot request for a 10 yr visa, it's what they give. Usually I heard that peoper who go for the 2nd time to consulate get a 10 yr visa. My mom is not working.