My long wait is over at last!


Registered Users (C)
:) Approval Date : 7/11/2003

RFE Date 4/11/2002
RFE Resp 12/20/2002

2nd FP 10/18/2002

1st FP 5/25/2001

ND 2/8/2001

RD 1/22/2001

Good luck to everybody, hope you all will receive your approval soon.

Wow! that's quite a journey. Congratulations on finally reaching your destination successfully.

I have a question about your RFE. It seems you received the RFE in the month of Apr'02 but you replied to it only in Dec'02. May I know why you had to wait 8 months.

RFE Date 4/11/2002
RFE Resp 12/20/2002

If my understanding is correct, INS rejects any application if the RFE is not answered in a stipulated period of time which usually is not more than a couple of moths. Just wanted to know how did you over come that problem.

Switch the date and month on
RFE Date 4/11/2002 (Canadian and the rest of the world use this format DD/MM/YYYY which I think reasonable)

RFE Date 11/4/2002 (American way ( MM/DD/YYYY) I don't know why Americans always use different way of writing)

For Example

Measurement (Most of the world use MKS system Meter, KM, Gram, KG)

Americans (Mile, LB, Yard etc….)
