My Interview experience


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Dear all,

I feel it is my responsibility to share my experience since I learned very much from this forum. If you are reading my response for experience purpose please post your response after you attend your interview since this may turn out to be useful to other candidates. Sorry this is a lengthy one and I am sure you will enjoy reading it.

While sitting in the waiting room, I was observing how other people were coming out from the interview panel, some were smiling, some were disappointed. Some were Mexican that may be requiring translators.

I was hoping my officer to be very friendly but did not care much since my interview time had come. My officer was really very friendly. He asked me to raise my right hand before sitting on the chair. I placed my jacket on the adjacent chair besides my chair. I said I do, I was then asked to take a sit. I was asked how I was doing and first question was who sponsered my VISA, green card. Why did I leave my previous employer, whether I liked my current job, if yes why. I was asked did I paid or received money while paying taxes. This may to find out whether I paid my taxes. He asked me did I liked snow, or hated snow or wanted to stay in warm weather.

He then went over my N-400 form I had submitted to make sure nothing got changed. I had taken my copy of my N-400 form where I wrote by pencil all that had changed such as my change of address, travel outside USA from-to dates wherever applicable since my N-400 form submission. This made us (me and the officer) very easy to make changes quickly in my N-400 form and move forward. I was also asked whether I filled out AR11 form for change of address. I had called that 800 number, mailed them AR11 form as well updated the address from the web, Its not necessary to do all, but I just did it to make sure my change of address gets updated.

He then asked me few Yes-No types questions from N-400 form. Advice: Please read and go through your filled copy of N-400 form before appearing for the interview. Some of us will not care to read our N-400 form since we feel we are over confident [especially guys].

I was asked ten questions:

[1] What is the White house?
[2] Color of Stripes ?
[3] Name all 13 states (This was last question). While I was answering he was tick marking states that I was saying to make sure I answered all 13 states.
[4] Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death."?
[5] What is a minimum voting age in the United States?
[6] How many times may a Congressman be re-elected?
[7] What country did we fight during the Revolutionary War?

Other 3 questions I don't remember but I was told I answered all ten questions correct.

He then handed me a paper that had my registration number and asked me to sign and write a sentence at the end.

Finally he handed me a paper where he crossed the first item that I have passed in the interview and said I will be receiving letter to appear for oath ceremony within 90 days.

Good luck to all and thanks for sharing your experiences.

There is no need to ask where this interview was conducted, since it all depends on our luck.

Do you mind sharing your answer to the question why you left the sponsering employer?. I left my sponsering employer few years after I got the GC and am wondering if the same question will come up.


I answered I left my previous employer for better prospects. I think the officer was testing whether I was telling the truth. I also left the sponsoring employer but after a year I got my GC.
First, Congratulations!

If u left 1 yr after GC, then no surprise that there are no issues at all.

Interesting officer asked you about AR-11..." I was also asked whether I filled out AR11 form for change of address."

LOL! at your "since we feel we are over confident [especially guys]."
Why the discrimination? LOL!

I answered I left my previous employer for better prospects. I think the officer was testing whether I was telling the truth. I also left the sponsoring employer but after a year I got my GC.

Thanks. I left my sponsering employer after filing N-400 (I stayed with the sponsering employer for 5 years after getting the green card). I guess there won't be any issue. I need to update the employement history in N-400 at the time of interview, though.
Well, I got laid off 7 months after filing my GC. Company went out of business but I found another same job same day. Do you think this might be a problem at the interview time?

Well, I got laid off 7 months after filing my GC. Company went out of business but I found another same job same day. Do you think this might be a problem at the interview time?

I am in the same boat. Should not be a problem.

I however got a letter from my old company to indicated that I was let go as part of a company wide "reorganization" effort. May not be needed at all but who knows?
Well, I got laid off 7 months after filing my GC. Company went out of business but I found another same job same day. Do you think this might be a problem at the interview time?

7 months is long enough time and you should not have any problem.

A friend of mine changed job in 1 week after he got GC and started his own company (partnership) He had no problem in getting citizenship.

Add to that, in your case this was not by choice. You should be fine :)
Well, I got laid off 7 months after filing my GC. Company went out of business but I found another same job same day. Do you think this might be a problem at the interview time?
That is more than 180 days since filing the I-485, so you should be OK under AC21 as long as that next job was "same or similar".