My Interview Experience


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Hey guys I know I havent been a member for as long as some of you, as a matter of fact i just registered, but I felt i needed some feedback after what happend to me yesterday.

Well in a clamshell. Im an H1 (expired now)married to a USC we married in march, had a baby in may, (she was alredy preg.) she filed for an AOS in October and Jan. 18 was my interview , everthing went well throuout the process, they requested "more evidence" around Nov. It was just a tax thing.

We arrived in the Garden City NY office at 830, my interview was at 9, we were in a large waiting room what looked like a school cafeteria, then we were called upstairs by groups into a smaller waiting room, then they called us one by one in sets of like 3 or 4 couples every 15-20 min. we were called last even after our group was called and almost everyone in the next group up, I was frsutrated because we have a baby and she was getting tired/sleepy/hungry, but i guess all the people made her nervous and she was very unruly.

Anyway, we were finally called after about an hour of waiting, the interview went fine, she barely asked us anything, just where we met and when we were married after that. (in High school), then she asked us to see some pictures and we showed her the albums from the wedding and the baby shower. She didnt ask to see much else. Just some joint bills/bank accounts, which was when i told her that where we live, the compnay her dad works for pays for the rent and utilities, so we had no bills together, just a cellphone.

She said it was fine but here's when everything went wrong. She said since i had an arrest in high school, (a fight), she needed her supervisor to "sign off on the case" and if he did, which she was pretty sure she would since it was a misdemeanor and i was a youthful offender (no conviction & adjutication of my case), she would be "right back to stamp my passport". My wife smiled and said to me congrats u got it, but i said, something doesnt seem right, it was just too easy.

Turns out it was. She came back and told me she couldnt stamp my passport because they needed a name clearance from the FBI!!!(Oh NO!) My wife was in shock because last night i had told her this was gonna happen and she got mad and told me i was so pesimistic. But my gut feeling was right.
The officer just told me that i would be getting the card in 4-6 weeks in the mail after the name check ,
(That was when i said to myself, "...yea after 3 years if ever")

We left the office empty handed like many, only an EAD card which expires in 10 months, I dont even have a SS number at least so i can work and save money in the meantime I wait for the dreaded name check which will probably never come....

I just needed to share my experience with you guys. I appreciate any feedback i can get, how long should I wait until I start to panic? :( :eek:
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I know it was a disappointment. But it may very well not be as bad as you feel it is. Most people's name checks are cleared in 6 months. It is the very exceptional case that takes longer. Best of luck.
dude keep your head up high. I read as well that most name checks come back very quickly and only a fraction take years. In the meantime start working on your ss#. I would assume that there is a way for you to get one now. If not I would recommend talking to the DO and get a letter that you're approved pending name check. I am sure you can get the ss and at least work.

Which DO are you?
velli said:
dude keep your head up high. I read as well that most name checks come back very quickly and only a fraction take years. In the meantime start working on your ss#. I would assume that there is a way for you to get one now. If not I would recommend talking to the DO and get a letter that you're approved pending name check. I am sure you can get the ss and at least work.

Which DO are you?

Well i Live in NYC, my interview was in Garden City, NY and my case was at the Missouri Service Center, (Lee's Summit, MO).
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NITEOLE718 said:
dabighurt could you please post timeline thanks

H1 married to a USC on 3/17/06
Filed for AOS/EAD on 10/7/06
Recieved a receit on 10/11/06
Recieved FP Appt. on 10/17/06
FP done in Queens, NY on 10/21/06
Request for Aditional Evidence 11/7/06 (Case suspended!)
Additional Evidence Recieved 11/24/06 and case has resumed process
Received Interview notice on 12/18/06
New Last Updated dates on I130/I485 12/31/06
New Last Updated date on I765 on 12/30/06 then again 1/03/07
Recieved EAD Card in the mail on 1/04/07
New Last Updated date on I765 on 1/11/07
I know how you feel truly I do, I was approved as well on 10/27/06 Pending the dreaed name check...I'm still waiting ....Hang in there though ..I only have a EAD card and was able to get my social security card...Good luck and dont lose faith
Sorry to hear about that Dabig, but you'll see that everything will turn out ok. I'm sure you'll get cleared in no time at all. I'm curious though, I also have a misdemeanor and also an "Other than Honorable" discharge from the Military, will this affect my spouse? I am the sponsor, so do they go through a name check for me aswell or just for the person applying for residency?
stapc230 said:
Sorry to hear about that Dabig, but you'll see that everything will turn out ok. I'm sure you'll get cleared in no time at all. I'm curious though, I also have a misdemeanor and also an "Other than Honorable" discharge from the Military, will this affect my spouse? I am the sponsor, so do they go through a name check for me aswell or just for the person applying for residency?

No I dont think it matters, they only asked me if if ever had any problems with the law not my wife, I was also told that it depends on the officer if he makes it into a big deal if the benificiary in fact had some kind of criminal background. Did you guys apply yourselfs or you used a lawyer?