My Interview Experience - Montreal


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Hello All,

I have got a lot from this forum and it is time to give it back.

Our interview was scheduled for April 10, 2006 at 8.30 Am at Montreal.

My parents live in London, Ontario so we decided to go to London to get our medical done. We went to Dr. Al Laitey. It went pretty smoothly. Our medical appointment was for Monday, April 3 at 9.10 AM. No precautions or fasting was required. In all we paid CAD 660 ($225 for each adult and $105 for each child). The assistant, Sabrina was very helpful.

It took us about 2.5 hours. The actual medical is for about 15 minutes per person. The rest of the time is waiting, filling forms, waiting for other family members, etc. We got 2 shots, one for MMR and other for tetanus. My kids are in the US and we took vaccination records from their schools, so they did not require any vaccination. My wife and I had to go through blood test for HIV and chest X-rays too. If somebody had malaria in their childhood, don't mention so to the doctor. it will unnecessary raise a red flag.

We got our medical results on Wednesday morning. Everything was fine.

We reached Montreal Sunday evening and stayed at Le-Philips Square. It is 5 minutes walk, very close. The other hotels close by are Holiday Inn express, Travelodge, etc. We reached the consulate the next morning (Monday, April 10th) at 7.30 AM. There was no line up. Actually we were the first ones. We were asked for our passports and appointment letter. We went through the security and were asked us to go to the basement and wait their till 8.00 Am. At 8.00 Am a security guard took us to the 19th floor and we went to window number 14. We got a paper token, ours was C1.

Exactly at 8.30 AM we were called to window 12. The lady was nice and professional. She asked us some basic questions. Started going through the documents and forms and I supplied the documents as she went along, such as work letter, address, medical records, pictures, police clearance, etc. It took us 30 minutes because we were a family of 4 and she had to change addresses in 4 forms. We had to sign the forms. I did it for my kids too as they are younger than 14. She smiled and joked with our kids too.

We were given a part of our token back and asked to wait. She told that the consular will call us in window 7 or 8 in few minutes. We had to wait for about 30 minutes before we were called at window 8. This is an enclosed room with a door. The guy was extremely nice. Point of caution, the counsalar may be nice and will make you feel comfortable, but don't relax and give loose response. He asked me so how is your company and are they taking care of everything. I said yes, they are very nice and taking care of all the things. Actually, they are not. But you don't have to tell them. He asked me about the city we live in, San Antonio, my company, my job, how long I have been working, etc. Then he took our finger prints and we were done.

Actually, there was no oath. My lawyer told me that I will need to pay $65 per person visa issuance fees. I was carrying cash, but they never asked for it. I was also carrying my 5 years W2s / T4s, pay stubs, and other necessary documents. They asked for absolutely nothing.

We were done by 10.45 Am. We were given a yellow ticket and told to come back the next day at 2.30 Pm and collect our visas.

I came (did not bring family, u dont need to) at 2.15 Pm, went through security, went to the 19th floor to window 12. One lady came at 2.35 Pm and people went as per their turn. I got all 4 passports and 4 packets to be handed over at the port of entry. I checked the documents and left the counsulate at 2.40 PM.

We drove back to London and crossed the border at Detroit the next day.

It took us 1.5 hours at Detroit Ambassador bridge. The officers were slow. They took our old I94s and L1A and L2 visas and cancelled. The officer said that we should have done this at the counsulate in Montreal. Then, they checked my marriage certificate and asked some other questions regarding my job, etc. We had to sign I551 form (I guess) for green card and give finger prints (only adults). We finally got our stamps on the passport and entered back into the US.

Please let me know if anybody has any questions.

Police clearance

Congratulations on your success.

You have mentioned about giving police clearance during document review. I have sent name based RCMP police clearance to NVC and not planning on taking any more with me at interview. Please explain.

Could you please make two list of documents for us.
One: Exactly what documents were asked from you?
Two: A suggested list of documents you think we should carry with us.

Also, in your previous note if have forgotten to mention anything else about interview/Consulate experience; you can add that here. I am sure none of us would get bored reading any detail.

Enjoy the freedom.
My police clearance, same that u get from RCMP, search based on name, had expired on March 31st, therefore I had to get a new one. If you have got a PCC which is less than 12 months old then you are fine. You don't need a new one.

List of documents - asked from me:
1. Employment letter(one copy only) - i had it attested as suggested by my lawyer
2. Medicals for all family members
3. Pictures for all family members (2 each)
4. My Police clearance - she did not ask, but I said mine has expired and I handed over a new one.
5. Appointment letter
6. Valid Passports with at least 6 months validity
7. Any other document that you are required to bring in your appointment letter

Suggested documents:
1. All originals, if you haven't already submiited, birth certificates, marriage, etc.
2. W2s, T4s (for Canadains) for the last 3 years - I carried for 5 years
3. Pay stubs for 3 years _ I carried 2 years
4. Spouse's W2s and recent pay stub
5. Last 3 years tax returns
6. Chest X-rays

I think that was it. I also carried US$65 per person for visa issuance fees, but they never asked for it, so I have gifted the same to my kids :)

Like everybody else, we all were quite anxious. Quite natural I guess. One rule is answer what is being asked. But, make sure the officer has all important documents.

All originals will be returned to you.

Please let me know if there are any more questions.

I am quite confused here by the medicals which we need to carry.

Medicals means " Medical examination for all the family members ??"

No one mentioned me about the medicals.. In case if I have to take the medicals, Can I take in USA or do I need to take in canada only??

Currently I am on H1B and going to CANADA on 06/20/2006 for the normal VISA renewal.. please suggest me the required documents...
Medical confusion


To the best of my knowledge, the medical needs to be done in Canada in ur case. I had asked my lawyer the same question, but they told me that the medical for all family members (including children, irrespective of age) needs to go through the medical examination in canada by a physician designated by US immigration.

I hope it helps.

allinone said:
I am quite confused here by the medicals which we need to carry.

Medicals means " Medical examination for all the family members ??"

No one mentioned me about the medicals.. In case if I have to take the medicals, Can I take in USA or do I need to take in canada only??

Currently I am on H1B and going to CANADA on 06/20/2006 for the normal VISA renewal.. please suggest me the required documents...

I agree with cdn69 that you need to do medical in Canada if you process through Montreal consulate. But medical is needed only for immigrant visa. It seems like you are going for a non immigrant H1 visa renewal, in which case medical is not needed.