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My interview experience in Sydney


At the interview we were told that we must enter the US before the 1 year valid period of our criminal records expires. They were clear that all documents must be valid when entering the US, including criminal records. Sorry, I didn't go into that part of interview in the summary of my interview experience. The only way around this, we were told at interview, is to apply for new criminal records and then apply for extension of visa entry period. But there would be no point to this as by the time you get that all completed the 6 month maximum entry period would probably have expired - but I'm not certain on this?

This makes some sense since you can get your visa and the next week rob a bank and still go to the us with the old police certificate....

thanks for ur information tevolo,
actually federal police is in canberra n i have consult with victoria police...there is trouble.... thereisn't any date for fingerprint untill october...so i think i'll contact federal police or else to sydney consulate
Yes, paid the lower amount of $330 each + $3 total DV lottery fee.

Congrats Tevolo! My interview is in June. A question on payment, I assume they do take debit cards (or even credit?) at the Sydney consulate, and we don't have to take cash??
Congrats Tevolo! My interview is in June. A question on payment, I assume they do take debit cards (or even credit?) at the Sydney consulate, and we don't have to take cash??

Yes. We paid by debit/credit card. We also had cash on us just in case but didn't need it.