My Interview Details on Dec 12th 2001

Patta Hara

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Immigration photos - Kumar studios. South Ex
medical - went to Dr. Jain in South Ex. Gave one passport size photos with appointment letter & passport. He gave 2 shots (MMR & tetnus). blood was drawn & the xray were done at Defence Colony The medical reports were given same evening. (Dr Jain is relatively dry and does not like small talks that you are so accustomed to in US doctor’s office)

Interview: Met justaskforks and hailswamy at the embassy. The interview was just a very expensive courier service – me delivering docs that FedEx could have done at a fraction of the cost . No questions were asked.The “document collector officer girl”(DCOG) was very courteous.
This is a run down of the process –
· You get in a line outside the Embassy at around 7:45. (The non-immigrant queues that would go for miles are not there anymore; even they get interview appointments else the work is done via courier services.)
· You are let in around 8:15 in groups of 10-12 as you go through the security. Bags were allowed.
· Once in you are asked to sit in waiting area. Then you are asked to form a line to go to the DCOG who will take your appointment letter and give you a small sheet with the fee that is applicable to you circled. Try to be ahead in this line as she does put a serial number on top of the sheet she gives you. This number comes handy at the time of fee payment. I was surprised/relieved to see that she had marked both application fee and issuance fee on my sheet. ( I was under the impression they take issuance after the interview)
· Then you sit and wait in front of the cashier’s window that opens after 9 am.
· Meanwhile guards direct all to the main waiting area. The consular office asks all Immigrants visa applicants to stand and do the “right hand thingie” to take an oath. After that back to waiting in front of the cash window.
· The window opens and guard asks first 10 people to line up and rest to keep sitting.(this is the number DCOG had put on the top of the fee payment sheet.
· At Delhi they take USD cash for immigrant visa. It is advisable to carry some banknotes of small denomination. I had $100 and $20 bills only, I had to wait for change of $10.
· After the payment you wait in the main waiting area until your number is called at the two windows that process IV visas.
· At the window DCOG first asked for my papers
DS 230 I and II, Birth certificate (copy), Marriage Certificate copy, Employment letter, IRS 9003
Then asks for the wife
DS 230 I & II, Marriage & Birth Certificate copy, IRS 9003 (Returned I-134)
· Then were asked to come at 4pm to pick passports
· Arrived 4:15, sat in the waiting hall for over 2 hours with Hail Swamy and spouses. It was stressful wait, from 5pm all the embassy staff started trickling out going home.
· Our packets were given at around 6:30 pm. The counter person asked us to carry it and the X Rays in hand baggage and not check in. Separate Yellow Envelops for self and wife with the Visa approval sticking out from the cut corner. Confirmed all was correct on the visa approval and thanked our stars (MAKE SURE YOU MAKE A COPY OF THE VISA APPROVAL, it is a full sheet of paper like your 140 approval but much colorful)

POE: Arrived in Dallas, TX Dec 29th 2001. Did not fill in a Landing car I-94, stood in the citizens/residents queue. The immigtration officer put the A # in her system after she swiped one of my old visas and asked us to go to another room. Another officer made us sign a card & took print of right index finger on 2 places on the same card. He handed over our passports showing the stamp (I-155). He told us to expect the card in 6-8 months. He did not take the X rays. I was hoping for a ceremonial “Welcome to America” from him but he did not say it L
Medical at Dr Jain\'s

So that both experince stay together, I am repeating my Medical Experience

Medical at Dr Jain.
Overall simple process... positive experience.
Took appointment that is meaninglless as they do not go by order. Luckily there were only two people before us. Practice I guess is all sponsored by IV candidates... I did not see a single "Patient".
You are seated in a very shabby waiting room, one guy types away at a
typewriter filling in Medical embassey forms with your passport/case
info. Once your papers are filled and if your position in the Qeue is current than you are ushered in Dr\'s office. Wife and me did not have any immunization records hence had to take both TD(Titanus Deptheria) and MMR (Measels, Mumph, Reubella) shots. If you are not Pregnant you WILL NOT be waived MMR. The shots stay sore a bit, but did not get fever in our case. After almost 16 hours of takin them I am still sore in the arm and wife is worst.

Both of us were ushered in Doc\'s office together, first he filled in a questionaire asking us all sorts of medical Questions that we answered in NO (Do you have heart deaseas, leprosy, loss of limb and such), what age you had chicken pox. Then he asked the wife to go in the adjoining room to change in a Gown. While she was gone asked me to strip down to undies.

Height/Weight, Physical run down of the body looking for leprosy scars, swollen lymph nodes, Fingers, toes etc. Then asked to lay on the table. He did not ask me to take the undie off but went in a quick motion to feel the lymph nodes at the base of the leg/abdomen. No check of the privates was done.
Then took blood pressure, while the "BP wrap around" thing was inflated around my arm he stuck a needle to draw blood for blood tests that he will get done (without telling me). He doesn\'t talk much and does not like to indulge in small talks. Then he gave two shots on the other arm TD and MMR and I was done. He used disposable syringes so that was good. (His outdated syringe disposal system is worth noticing)

Then wife\'s turn, (she was in the adjoining room all this time.)She was comfortable, he did not reach to feel anything. the process that was applied to me was repeated. No check of the privates. He did not ask me to step out while checking her. No female nurse is available

Out side we were asked to Pay Rs 2300 for the checkup and blood test and immunization. Clerk asked us to get xerox done of the Immunization Chart that doc had filled from a near by shop. That copy is for you. He keeps the original. Then he gave a small slip to take to Dr Khurana(D-45 Def Col) for X rays. He asked us to come back by 5:30 pm to pick reports or next day whatever is convinient. X ray report is sent directly by Doc Khurana to Dr Jain.

On the way to X rays we stoped at Kumar studio to get the photos taken. He promised to give them at 6-6:30 pm

You see the same faces at X ray. Your passport is checked (MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR PASSPORT WHEN THEN HAND IT BACK.. I almost got some one else\'s passport)We were done by 1pm

Went back at 5:30 and got sealed reports and X rays. The clerk tells you all is ok if you ask. I am guessing if they dont ask for some retests then you should be OK.

Now for the interview
Congratulations patta _hara

Any idea if Dr Chawla in Delhi gives results on the same day...
Thanks for ur insightful comments at this site...All The best for future...
Congrat Buddy! Great Going

Can u pls help me on this issue.
I\'d a doubt about item 25 in DS230 Part I. i\'ve been with the same emplyer for last 3 years, though my H1 has been renewed and i went to india once during this period.
Should i show 2 entries in item 25, one from initial arrival to last departure to india and another from arriving back to Present, or just one entry beginning from initial arrival in US to Present.
I\'m not even sure if I need to mention either of these cos\' item 25 asks for "previous visits to or residence in the United States".
Congratulations !!

Congratulations patta hara.

I also got my GC at Delhi on DEC 18. POE Houston on DEC 30.

Do you know who to call to see the status of plastic card i.e. whether in processing much more time will it take etc.?


You do not need to specify every entry to US. eg If you were out of US on a vacation for 2 weeks you do not need to break your US stay entry into two to account for the vacation week(s).
Thanks Patta Hara

I appreciate your incisive comments... It certainly helps to have guys like u out here to depend on...