My I-140 online status changed


Registered Users (C)
I checked my I-140 online status and the processing time has changed from 90 - 180 days to 90 - 300 days. What does it mean ?

Please help me....

RC date of my I-140 is 21-SEP-02
Same with my case.

RD. Nov 1 2001,
Received RFE on 12th Dec.
Replied on 22nd Jan.
Was 90 to 180 days.. now it is 90 to 300 days?
Mine Too

Yes my status has also changed it says 90 to 300 days ....
My I-140 date is 15th may/2002.
I guess what they did is just update their Database to change
figure from 240 to 300 ....Great !!!!
I don't know when we are going to see some light at the end of this never ending tunnellll!!!!
Same with my case also

I 140 RD Dec 2 2002

Processing time changed from 90-180 to 90-300 days.
Pls update ...if every one is in the same boat.
Message not changed on individual basis. But changed at one place from 180 to 300, so that it will be displayed same for everybody. Now we all have to wait much longer. We cannot even complain to IIO now, after 180 days.

Wait forever !!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Same here

June 11, 2002..ND.

Same message .. 90-300 days.

Frankly I don't see my I-140 being approved in 2003.

U can call it pessimism, negative attitude; the fact is we are
a strange bunch of people.. we are high in number, we are
rock solid in education, we are in one of the higher salary
brackets in this country, only issue is we are mostly from
India, a nation, where people have everything other than
self esteem and pride.

The US govt and everybody in the world knows it...that we
can be PhD's and yet be ready to suck upto anyone, and if
that anyone is white , well our sucking and tolerance can be
limitless. Its widely known that we will never never

Its therefore that for INS, employment based imm will be at
the rock bottom w.r.t priority. They will process cases for
illegal people, terrorist suckers etc, faster than your or mine.
And why not, when they surely know that we will never never
protest or organize ! Its less work and less headache for them.
If tommorrow they change the message to "between 90-720
days", will any of you do anything more than just weep in
your house inwardly..NO. And that's awesome for the
INS folks or anyone in the govt.

And that's why I dont see my I-140 , at least, being approved
in 2003. The message will keep changing its upper bound,
the I-140 wait will be endless.

For the rest of you with high hopes, kudos !!!
Now, one can imagine what would be the state of I-485 processing. My lawyer kind of hinted me that when INS started concurrent filing rule. There going to be big delays in I-140, other wise there is no need to start concurrent filing for 90 day I-140 approvals.
What is the use of EAD?

This is not a good news for us at all!!!! No one knows how the AC-21 rule is applicable for concurrent filers..... But, the attorneys says categorically that without approved 140 you can't switch companies using the 180-day (180 days from filing 485)rule. That means we have to wait for 300 + days (or 720 days, as some one has frustratedly mentioned) to change companies....... Some employers pay very less or irregularly citing the slow down of the economy... This news is a boon for those suckers.

Several applicants like me are in the verge of getting kicked out, when the contract gets over. We can maintain legal status as we have filed 485, but can't take similar/same full-time job till 140 gets approved. Again, Is there any gurantee that 140 will be approved after 300 days? Already 250 days is over for me. In my 140 receipt notice it was mentioned that it will take 90-110 days to take a decision.

Probably, we should all send petitions voicing our concerns (like honoring the priority date) to INS, by fax or mail.
Status change

Same here...I share the same frustration and anger as my friends above.

My I-140 status has changed to 90-300 days

GOD help this country!!!

can somebody throw the light on 180days rule becose I am certain about the change in ownership /management in my company sicne the merger processes is currently ON. I am not sure what will be the policy of the new management towards H1 guys !!

My details are as follows:

I-140/484/765 filed together in EB2- LC subsitution

MD: 12/04/02
RD: 12/09/02
ND: 01/27/03
FP: 01/03/03

EAD: God knows
140: God also don`t know
485:Nobody knows

Thanks for reply

Not that I am not disappointed with the updated INS online message, but it also gives me enough indication that IIO officer are sick of getting calls from I140 applicants verifying their status and bitching about the online message. This is one of the tact INS seems to have taken to reduce call volume. This might result into faster processing now that they might have extra time.

I dont think so I am making sense......anyway... just wanted to be less pessimistic than others around...
We need to file Petition!

I think we should organize a petition to our respective congressman/senators and also to Whitehouse. There is no guarantee that it will work but we should raise our noise level from this forum to national level. We can also cc to INS/DHS. We must demand to know the reason behind this delay!!!

Waiting forever!!!!

My ND is 5/29/02 for I-140. 300 days will be over in another 5 weeks. At this point, I do not want to thinK about the future delay in 485 processing.

It is true that they have shifted resources to help TPS cases. They are somehow more important than more educated and higher wage earning people in our category.
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U will not get 1 person Mike

Mike, u will be grossly disappointed.

Read my message above. Again, the reason is, the majority of the
sufferers are Indians, who are world renowned for docility
and lack of pride and self esteem.

In fact, they would rather thump their breasts and crib than
do anything of effect. Frankly, they r scared and cowards !

The adminsitration knows this, INS knows this. If I were them,
I would address emp-based imm in 10 years and instead
address illegal aliens at a faster track.

In fact, lemme give an example. If we sufferers are 1000-2000
in number, why not contribute $5000 per head ( nothing for
you salary earners for a Green Card ) and negotiate a
fast-track deal with the administration / INS ?

Propose this idea ..u will get brickbats. These people would
rather spend 5000$ to buy gold !!!

So, just forget the petition route. U can never organize people
for whom docility, lack of esteem and servitude runs deep
inside veins. Thet just don't want independence...that's it.

I read in that vermont is going to over with the TPS cases by end of Jan or Feb and all other cases should resume its origninal pace (???????????) by march.

I understand the frustration as I myself is in the same boat but it is also important that we ask our respective attorneys to figure out what is going on????

Also why is AILA so silent about this??? They seem to be silent about any delay issues like these like the one we suffered during LC....

I see no improvement at all unless AILA raises this issue....

Who is really caring for immigrants nowadays anyway????

Let's not act so naive

You are being naive. Having lived here long enough, don't
u know, nobody cares for anyone, unless there's money ? Don't
u know how the system works ? Don't u know the car dealer
treats u like God when u enter the door and doesn't even
know u when he sees u after u have bought the car ?

Lawyers get money, they apply cases for u ... who cares
after that ? He lives in a mansion, u remain enslaved by your

Listen, let me repeat for the 1000th time, in this system, you
have to have negotiating power and money. Yes..again..

That means we have to form a unit..if 1000-2000 of us
sufferers do that, lawyers will come to you, u don't have to
search. If Johny Cochrain knows he will make a million
from 2000 well salaried, good income-bracket petitioners,
he will call you.

If those 2000 of us say that we will, together, donate/
pay/contirbute/fund INS with 10 million dollars, your
I-140 & I-485's will be done in a month.

If you dont, it may not happen in the next 3 -4 years.
The choice is ours, not theirs, not for the govt., not for INS,
not for the employers. The choice is between getting it done or
each of us crying and whining here with message posts, which
is what we are doing right now.

Forget AILA. Only we can make the difference.
I agree with the above msg. Instead of sitting and cribbing about this issues forever, its better to get together and atleast try. For once in our puny lives we can try to see if we can make a difference. I agree that money makes a lot of difference and even though Im not saying that this plan will work 100%, I say its worth a try. If we can get even 400-500 people together and then hire a lawyer to get this proposal going then if nothing, atleast it ll bring to the attention of this gov that all we are demanding is freedom from employer slavery in the land which boasts of freedom. If they cannot process our cases sooner, let there be a law that we can atleast change our employer if need be.
Why the VSC's 140 is not moving at all while CSC and TSC are moving in a good pace?? Is there some thing wrong with the VSC process?? Last 3 months they hardly moved the dates a week. As 'PissedOffI140' suggests we need to raise funds and get our things done fast.
I agree this is too much, we need to do something here about the situation related to the delays in VSC. I for one do not mind paying some money to make things go faster. It is at a point that I have started losing sleep over this I-140 delay...
I too agree with the forum that the time has come to make a representation and get the pending cases resolved.I believe someone has to meet an attorney and talk to him about the issue and post what needs to be done.
Shall we walk the talk ?

Enough said guys.

Shall we now walk the talk, or shall we still keep talking the
talk ?

If not now, when ?

If not us, who ?