My hair is the indicator....Guys, come on to my stories


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My hair is originally black. I have realized that it serves me the luck indicator for the life road where I have been being on---

  1995: I came to the US for pursuing a PhD degree. I was the top 5% students and owned the highest premium of scholarship, 78% of which had to be from working in the university as a part-time worker. I had to work and study hard (as many of you guys do) to keep to be on the sholarship list and pay back the money I borrowed when I left my homecountry. My hair started to become gray;

 Oct.1998: Defended the PhD thesis with almost 99% gray hair (really like an old man), at the same time filed I-140. The hair came back to be black;

 July 1999: For no reason the hair became to be gray again; and, 2 months later, I140 was rejected;

 Feb 2000: Lost all job, stayed at home doing nothing. One day stood in front of a mirror---you know what? I saw my black hair! Wow, I got a perfect job and started to do it on March 31, 2000;

 March 2000: Immediately started I140 again. Got approved in July 2001.

Oct 2001: As I was filing 485 in Oct 2001, I became an old man again. But a miracle has come into being since last week: my gray hairs are becoming fewer and fewer, while black ones more and more...
Which Hair color did you use each time to make your hair black ?

It truely depends on the manufacturer.
Such things happen all the time

Unfortunately I don\'t have such an indicator. But your luck moment is coming again, as your hair is becoming black from gray(since last week?)
Yeah... reminded by GBMGC, I just checked the amount of my hair....

and found it is as what you guys predict! They are getting fewer and fewer!
Valen, life goes on, my friend, with or without Green Card. So let\'s pray. May God Bless Us!
