my friends parents got the visa second time


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my friends parents who applied in bombay got the visa the second time. they are in mid-50s. they carried all the standard document both the times but got refused the first time without looking much at the documents. second time, they also carried a letter from the senator which made the visa officer to review the application in detail and gave 3 monts visa(after many questions). Letter from the senator is no guarantee or can't replace any document or can't fix any problem/situation. Letter from the senator ONLY makes the visa officer review the documents more carefully. The letter had my parents passport number and a request to "review the application". It DID NOT make any recommendation to issue the visa.

goodluck all
hi spol,

can you tell me whether your friend get hardcopy of senator letter or just email.

when I enquired the senator's office say they'll just send email to the consulate. I prefer hardcopy.
