My friends AVM changed

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This posting could be read in two ways:
"My friends, AVM changed" - meaning his own case got approved and he is referring to all the readers as friends! In that case, congratulation to you!


"Mr friend\'s AVM changed" - in that case, congratulation to him or her!
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DesiInDistress, your post is moot. He did not say "My friends, AVM changed". He said "My friends AVM changed". If he wanted to inform us about his case he would more likely have said "Friends, my AVM changed".
Did call them last week

been calling once every week (or sometimes every other week) since January- nothing has changed in my case. It is still sitting on a shelf waiting for completion of background check! I did hear a couple of times that background check was done on Jan 25th and case was waiting to be assigned to an IIO- but that information changed to background not even done yet!
How about you?
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My sincere apology for causing a tremendous shockwave of denial on your upper half which forced you to respond to a moot hypothesis, reaching a telepathic wavelength with our friend who posted the original message!
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Havent called yet,. will be calling this week. Going to india next mid-month .
Hoping i will get approval before that.

RD: 6/11 ND : 8/16 FP Done : 12/14 AVM mesg to resumed : 1/9
No Change in AVM

Hello All

I did my FP on 02/11/2002 (as per schedule. Got FP Notice on 01/15/2002). The AVM Still says that " You have been asked to appear for FP on 02/11/2002. If you have not received it ....". I am not sure whether there is any problem in my application. My Case# is
WAC-01-268-XXXXX. I am little worried about my case. Can anyone shed some light on this.

Thank you
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DesiInDistress, take your sarcasm and shove it where the sun don\'t shine. I have seen a succession of sarcastic posts from you. You are so full of shit. You think you are so freaking smart, don\'t you?
I agree about DesiinDistress

HE has been posting lot of sarcastic comments.
I wonder if he is the evil Vishnu Mahadev in disguise?
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Dear(!) glue,
First thought after digesting shockwaves of enlightenment caused by your utterly impressive juvenile rhymes- "yet another not so bright individual incrementing vocabulary!"
On a crude note- lets refrain from a pissing contest. act your age- unless if your age represents your IQ. In that case try acting older!
And now I choose to exercise my right to ignore your nonsense. I guess this group is for immigration related issues- NOT for issues due to your "I\'m 16 and pissed off at daddy" syndrome.