My Experience


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Folks... This is out of context here but I thought it could be beneficial to many... here you go..

I thought to share my experience and I hope it could be beneficial to others. I am from India and moved to United States in 1996. I have been suffering from allergies for last 10 years and I don't remember exactly when this sinus infection started. When I moved to US during Oct and due to cold weather( The part of India I am from is not that cold) I had severe cold and it continued for couple of months. I had a thick nasal discharge and sever sinus infection.Only then I decide to see ENT doctor (first time in my life) and later on I had some allergy test done. To cut the story short, ENT doctor found 2 polyps and Chronic Sinus infection ( Luckily I have no infection and Polyp in my right side and this is strange too) and recommended for surgery. I felt great after surgery and antibiotic treatment. I had been taking Claritin and Zyrtec-D now. Since this surgery in 97 I moved to several places in US working as a Contractor in IT and never had sinus infection again, Now come July 2002 I had cold and Sinus infection again with the thick nasal discharge, went to my ENT doctor in Atlanta and She found that the polyps again in the same area( This time also my right side is okay with no sign of infection or polyps). I was very much concerned now and wanted to avoid surgery at any cost and started consulting doctors in India. And Later on one of my Friend from India( Varansi, UP) introduced me to this Homeopathy Doctor. I started this treatment and was little bit skeptical about the result. I took this Homeopathy for 2 months and was feeling better and went to see my ENT Doctor again, She was shocked and surprised to see that Polyps were gone, She was shockd because she took some part of the polyp, as it had grown big protuding out, for the biopsy. She checked my right side just to make sure if those Polyps were there and then I told her that I was talking Homeopathy. I was Delighted after hearing her words that I don't need surgery. To me it was miracle as this Sinus surgery has complications after the first surgery all the landmarks are gone and there is no guarantee I would be okay after the surgery second time.
I would suggest for all Sinus infection suffers to give Homeopathy a try!!!
I have always trusted ayurvedic and homeopathic treatments.
Thanks for your time here, it will help others a lot.

We need to explor our ayurveda more, i guess.
There's much more in Homeopathy

Hi All,

I would just like to add to Vivek's experience for the benefit of all .

A couple of years back in the US I developed Alopecia in which you lose your hair and develop white patches where the hair loss occurs. The skin becomes totally smooth . I discovered this accidentally as I've always used hair oil and maintained healthy hairs.

Visited a couple of skin specialists and needless to say they did not have an answer except to prescribe Rogaine to me . This apparently starts the hair growth back but is not a full remedy . You are likely to lose it again once you stop using it .

Anyway I did not waste my time in using Rogaine as we have been a long time believer in homeopathy . I consulted our family doctor in india , received the medication through a friend and in 4-6 weeks the hairs started coming back . Its all gone now - Thanks to Homeopathy . Incidentally this doctor had almost cured a totally bedridden cancer patient who had reached a stage where he could ride his scooter by himself .

Homeopathy has amazing cures for diseases that traditional medicine even today does not have answers for. All it requires is a lot of patience and faith and It sure does work .

Let me know if any of you need help with Alopecia which I believe is a very common ailment in middle age men .

Thanks for taking your time to read this.
Does anybody have any

remedy for Rheumatoid Arthritis? My Mom has it and has deformity.
She has tried Ayurvedic treatment.
I have a had Sinus problems till about two years ago. I had a surgery to remove the deposits in my Sinuses and then I started doing some yoga (basic breathing exercises). I'm feeling very normal. This Yoga thing is the best. All you need to do is breathing exercises for not more than 5 mins everyday.
saini_vivek, could you post contact details of the doctor or give me an Email where

saini_vivek, could you post contact details of the doctor or give me an Email where I can contact you.
s_tand....can u please send the contact details of the dr

s_tand could u pl send the contact details of the homeopathic dr asap.
s_trand...can you please send the info about the doc
you are talking about...or more info related to this..

this will help a lot..
We use Homeopathy

My dad, mother-in-law both had asthama. They used this homiopathy medicine for about an year.
This happend almost 20 years ago. Till today they never got asthama again.... i strongly suggest this. I was kid, I forgot the length of time.

My mother had migrain for almost 10 years. She used them for 6 to 18 months at the same time. She also never got the migrain ever since 20 years....

it's great medicine. I was eating this medicine for taste when my father slept. I was stealing from his pocket and eating this tabs.

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Hi Hereforever

Hi Hereforever,

Sorry to hear that your mother is suffering from
Rumathoid Arthritis. I suggest that she tries BioChoice
Immune 26, featured at
(only 1 m in Imune).

It comes with a 90 days money back guarantee, so she
got nothing to lose.

Pls post your details i.e. Doc, Medicine. I have also sent a message reminder..yesterday... Kind of urgent as I am due for CT scan and surgery and my wife is not that keen

For all those interested in enquiring about the cure for Alopecia please send me a e mail at .

I would rather prefer not to post any details about the doctor on this open forum . Besides the doctor is in India and is a family friend of ours.

So if any of you are serious in pursuing homeopathy as a treatment please contact me directly so that we could work out something on a one-to-one basis.

No Priya, My post is true....

Every thing is not for sale. Amway policy is, if required Amway Bugs will wipe the asses to promote the business.

Keep honesty in your mind and look at these postings... You will understand what exactly the discussion is. No body is promoting any thing here.

Guys, especially my post is real and personal experience. I love to help people with what i know.
Friends thought just drop in a line about homeopathy. The best thing in hoemopathy is that it is safe and natural.
Another thing, if you have kids then you should try to give them homeopathy as much as possible because it builds the immune system and has no side effects.
Nowadays you can find some pre-packaged homeopathy medicens at Wegman or some Shoprites. The medicen bottle says what it is for and what should be the dosage.
All the best.

I don't know what Nationality you are... but Asians are the most Negative Thinkers has this tendency to doubt everything.
I posted this because millions of people are suffering from Sinus and Doctors in US are go for aggressive option i.e surgery... Check this out....

I didn't know that I have another option in 1999 when I went for surgery and this was the reason I wanted to let everybody know and took this opportunity here as lot of ppl surfing this portal.
I have absolutely no monetary interest. God has given me enough and now GC is the only thing in my mind now :)

Happy New Year To ALL

Silly Question


Is there any homeopathic madicine for "SNORING". if so can you guys please tell me where can I get those in US and where.

Thanks for all your support.