My Experience , landing in Canada with H1 from Detroit/Windsor Border


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I went to Canada and I had a H1 with me at the time:

Immigration Officer:
  Do you work in US?
  Yes , I was.

Immigration Officer:
  Where is your white card ?
  Feeling bad and taking white card out of pocket seperately. Guys keep your I-94 with passport when going for first time. Dont feel like keeping I-94 out would help . You can always get your I-94 back from US Immigration when entering legally. They just charge $6 at border.

Immigration Officer:
  Are you aware about you can not commute between US and Canada for job purpose?

Me: Yes

Immigration Officer:
   How much money you have.

Me: 12k

Immigration officer:
    Whats is your address in USA?

Me: this is my current address

Immigration officer:
    Typing and putting my US Addresss in her system.

Immigration Officer:
    Go ahead to Customs decleration. Stamped my passport, "Landed Immigrant" at this this date.

While coming back to USA. I had I-94 /H1B . Just passed through

Hope this helps to someone
No Title

Good. You had no problem then. Congratulations.

But in my case Can. Imm. Officer of Windsor POE put stamp on my I-94 as "expiration" without any date on it. I don\'t know what does it mean. I have to apply for my Practical Training in a few weeks. I\'m afraid, whether my PT will be rejected on my I -94 situation. I conveyed Imm. Officer specifically that I\'m intend to move my things during May month, soon after my gradution from wayne state Univ. Detroit, Michigan, when he asked me about my moving to Canada.

take new I-94 from Border post

I would suggest you to take a new I-94 from US Border post. Since you are studying on F1, it should not be a problem.
you know what...

the INS is ( used to be ) pretty lazy about issuing I-94s...if they see you have one from the I-797 notice they take the white one away and let you in with the I-797 approval notice\'s I-94. that is
what happended with me.
INS lazy in issuing I-94

Same thing happened to me when i went to Toronto second time from Buffalo. Canadian post took away my I-94 , ( I had a transferred H1 so I had another I-94 with my H1). When entering USA, I went to immigration and asked for I-94. He looked at my passport, visa and H1-B and said. Sir you already have this I-94 , keep it with you. I told him , Sir i\'ll appreciate if you can give me a white card (i-94), he said OK then you need to pay $6 to get a new one. And he gave me a new I-94 and stapled it along with old one on my passport.
I did not do that..and now I am stuck with the I-94 copy

and I will have to submit my H1\'s I-94 on the way out and then
my notice od action will be incomplete and I will have to use
that to get a visa from the US consulate !
not true ! you dont need stamping

well you need not to get a new VISA. If you just read the back side of your I-797A notice (H1 approval notice) you will see that INS has strictly asked to submit the attached I-94 card. But in normal practice no one does so. Anyway when you go out and re-enter USA , just show your H1-B petition (without I-94), and Iimmigration officer will issue you a new white I-94 card.

If you come back from an International flight and show your H1-b along with I-94 , most of the time Immigration officer detach that I-94 and give you a new white I-94 with new date of entrance. This also happened to me when I came back from Karachi in last Dec at JFK Airport. problem is that...

in my 485 application I listed the last port of entry as
buffalo, NY and supplied a note of explanation that I did not
get a new I-94 from the INS, also I attached the I-94 copy from
the I-94 that I had got from SFO airport but the origianl of
which was taken away by the US officail at the entry.

hope that does not cause problems with the I-485, I have
preserved the copies of the ticket stubs from the canada visit
just in case. lawyer saud nt to worry but I cant help :(
well, the officer saw the H1 notice\'s I-94 and just..

tore it off , attached it to my passport and sent me on my way.
now I do not have the I-94 that lists my entry as the one
from the port of entry at buffalo.

I am worried that this might confuse the I-485 procedure!
although I have the ticket stubs and also a stong case of
not wanting to enter illegally since I had vaild visa/status
at the time of my entry .
no prob in your case

As long as you have your transferred H1 valid I-94 , it shouldn not
matter. I agree with your attorney, you shouldnot have any problem
with your 485.

Did you have a chance to enter canada after 183 days? Any recent experience.
how do they know????

When moving back and forth between Canada and US. No one stamps passport. If I left Canada one week back and no one stamped my passport , how an immigraton officer knows about the time when i left Canada and whether 183 rule is voided or not??
they dont !

Here is my experiance:
Entered in vancouver by land, stayed for some weeks, came back.
Next entered at toronto\'s pearson after 45 days , was asked why
..I shoed an interview letter email. was let in...left after 2 days.
re-enterd after 2 months at passport was not even
seen, no questions,,just ..are you a PR ? yes...come on in! left
in 3 days.
Last time entered just 2 days after I had left ( forgot some stuff
back at toronto ) at the rainbow bridge..only Q asked ; are you a
PR , do you have your papers on you ? yes to both..

Now about 5 months have passed since I last sept
I dont knwo how it goes.

bottomline is ; if you enter by land, they used to be quite cool,
keep your papers, sin #, provincial Drivers lic# with you and
you should be fine.
Re: slip in while the regulations at the borders don\'t change is the answer....

I didn\'t understand this answer..can u please explain your thoughts a little bit more.
Good Question....

nobody seems to be answering these questions....I am in the same boat!!! Waiting foir the regulation to be more specific and if they say that its a retroactive thing then we might not need to check 183 days anymore :))

lets hope that...will keep you posted.