My case is approved on 29 Jan


Registered Users (C)
I can't believe that my case has been approved.Changed the company after 6 months. Here are the details.

PD 12/98 - EB3
RD 6/1/2001
ND 07/19/2001
FP 01/31/2002
RFE RECEIVED 07/02/2002 - For employment and birth certificate
RFE RECEIVED BY INS - 08/15/2002
AD - 01/29/2003

I waited for almost 6 months after submitting the RFE but finally approved.I wish you all the very best.
congrats..enjoy the freedom

It looks like NSC has started approving.
I have 2 questions for you:
1. Did you inform INS after your job change or after getting query?
2.Did you send your new employer's letter or old employer's letter.Did you send pay stubs as proof of employment?
Thanks in advance
Well done!!

Congrats ... It's a funny feeling when the wait is over isn't it. Let's wish our friends who are waiting as well the best of luck.

Please update your info on rupnet as well.
I did not inform the INS about the job change until I receivd the RFE. I sent the new employment letter in reply to RFE.There was nothing else (like pay stub,w2s) sent along with the employment letter.However INS had asked about the non availability of the birth cetificate.I submitted the one that was just typed on the plain paper with a seal from the Municipal authority.I sent the notarized copy of it.

Enjoy your freedom.

When did your online status changed?

RD: JUL27,2001
AD: Waiting........:eek:

Can you please share your experience with salary:
Is your new salary higher or lower? What percentage?

Thanks a lot,

Thank you for sharing your good news with us, it builds a ray of hope in us. God bless us all.

Must have been a painful wait since submitting RFE docs, as NSC was approving some RFE cases in 2 weeks of receipt those (good old?) days.
Thank you very much guys.

I wish you the very best again and I guess it is just the matter of time that you will see your approvals.

The online status changed the same day as the automated message. ie on 29 jan.

regarding the salary, my new job has 10% higher salary than the previous. But I got the letter from the new employer in such a way that the skill set that was in LC is almost same as this one.The salary was also mentioned. As per my attorney , salary difference of 10-25% shoud not matter giving the current economic situations.Also INS is not too perticular about the salary unless there is significant difference than it is mentioned in LC.

As have seen my friends from different centres who have changed jobs, no body had any problem in getting the approvals with respect to salary difference.One guy who got his approval had 35% lass than it was in LC and got his approval from VSC.

So Hang in there. You all see your apprpvals.
Employment Letter


Congrats... on getting ur GC finally..Hope we get our turns soon.

-- Can you post the new employment letter that ur attorney sent in reply to RFE ??

-- Also was your designation simlar to one in previous company .. and what about job roles??

-- You got letter from HR or your manager??

Congrats again...

Congrats to finally see this day.
Could you please suggest -

If the salary for the new job is increased by say 40-50% then there might be some risk right!!
But we can have multiple jobs on EAD and will that be ok if I am able to break the salaries/pay stubs in two from the same employer (only if the employer is ready for this) so as to adjust as per LC - I will be consulting a lawyer before I take any further step but yours or any other fellow member's suggestion will be greatly appreciated (cos lawyers usually confuse us more).

Thanks and enjoy your GC.
GIVEMEGCINS, congratulations! If one

has a contract job (full time), does that matter or it needs to be a
regular non-contract job?