My Case has been approved but My husband\'s case is still pending.


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Finally AVM says my case has been approved, But I checked with my husbsand\'s EAC number still it was playing the same usual message, I called IIO to verify his case status she said usually they try to keep the case together but in this case it got seperated out she siad it takes 2 to 3 weeks. Let\'s see how it goes.

Please let me know if anybody faced the same kind of situation?

My details: RD Sep 16 2000; ND: Oct 16 2000; AD: Sep 07 2001.
It was on Friday Evening.

First I checked at 6:00 PM on Friday it was still playing the same message Again I checked at 8:00 PM it says the case has been approved ...
No Title


I wish you all the best. I hope mine goes through this week or I will have to push ahead my
EAD renewal.
No Title

Hi Keerthana

Remember, Last week and few weeks back also i posted the same message, Primary approved, spouse not approved yet.
I am also primary, my husband not approved yet, I got approved on Aug 15. I am still waiting for my husband\'s approval.
Same message when i talk to IIo, he says the file got seperated, Its an administrative problem. it might take 2 - 3 weeks, Its almost over i still did not receive it. I again talk to another IIo, he says same thing, but he canot tell the time.
I am also in the same situation. Please let me know when u get ur husband\'s.

All the best
Is your last name and your husband\'s are different

I was talking to my attorney, she mentioned if last names are different there is possibility of mixup.

Near toGC : Yes I do live in NJ.


Did you here these kind of cases? If so how long did it take for spouse to get an approval and how will this whole thing works out.
If you know please let me know.
Thanks in Advance
Hi Keerthana

In my case also the last names are different. I was also guessing that if the last names are different they may mixup.
But i have no idea how long they take to approve the spouse GC. I was thinking the correspondence to INS may speed up the process. But my lawer wants to wait for one more month.

Good luck
Hi Nandy Madhavi

I am sorry that you are also in the same situation as I am. Let\'s wish good luck to each other.
But did you receive the approval notice yet /not, in this kind of situations how will they schedule the stamping date?
I got it stamped

Hi Keerthana

I took suggestions from my lawer and also spoke to Rajiv khanna whether i should go for stamping,
Every one asked me to go and get it stamped. I got it stamped 2 weeks back. If you want you can still wait.
But Safe side, I thought it is better to get it stamped. My details are as follows.
My ND Jul 12 00, No RFE, RIR - EB2. Approved on Aug 15th. Just for Info. You also congradulate me when i post the same message. IIo says usually it won\'t happen. So i have no idea how long it will take.

Congrads and All the Best.