My asylum interview after 3 weeks

@mr.bird thanks for the reply. i am getting my result tomorrow, last thursday i had an interview. to be honest, i am extremely nervous. just to let you know, i am an f1 student.

All the best! If you do not receive from them tomorrow, or soon, do not worry, it's a good sign.
apparently, they called me and said they will mail the decision. so i guess, i'll have to wait. anyways, congratulation dude.

Thanks men! That's a good sign for you. If there was no chance then they would have just denied your case right away. Keep your hopes high dude! All the best!
wow, that I think that's a long time for not receiving the Receipt Notice.. I'd call if I were you. I can't remember how long it took me exactly after I applied but I'm sure it wasn't three months.

Did you receive the decision?? I have filed my asylum application in may in Houston and havent even received the receipt notice...Can someone share their experience of when they received their receipt notice and finger printing from USCIS?? I am very anxious and My lawyer is giving me a new story every day...