Murthy Chat : July 07, 2003 is published

Maybe BCIS noticed there're too many RFEs recently issued by officers, and use this memo to control them, so can be more efficient?
Response from my lawyers office...

jocelyne is not aware about this information. You should call her today during her hotline to discuss this information and where you obtained it.
Affects RFE's & Transfer's

1. I do not think everybody who has waited for 180 days will be automatically approved come July 11
2. If an officer picks up a case which has an approved I-140 & 485 has passed 180 days & passes all security checks then those case may not receive an RFE or the cases may not be transferred to local BCIS offices.

For BCIS :- This cuts down the amount of time officers have to spend on any given case thus freeing them up for other work (possibly more 485 adjudications)

For Immigrants :- This cuts down the amount of time between the officer touching the case and final approval.
nononsense --- this is today's process

nononsense, you have just described today's adjucation process. My attorney does not have any such information about the "new rule". He was skeptical and said that even if such rule comes to effect, it will take forever for BCIS to implement it.

It seems the "new rule" is for AC21 cases and non-revoking of I-140 after I-485 app has exceeded 180 days of gestation time. BCIS wants to remove dependency between I-140 and I-485 (>180 days) to understand AC21 rule clearly.
There is a difference

Currently officers seem to use the option of issuing an RFE for most cases that have exceeded 180 days. However if such a guidance came from HQ that if the case has gone above 180 days then do not issue an RFE/Transfer the case unless there is a valid reason to do so then officers may use a more efficient method to adjudicate the case.

I think part of the reasons you do not get approvals fast enough nowadays is that BCIS does not want to repeat the mistake of giving a visa to 'Atta'. Officers are erring on the side of caution which has caused this huge backlog. A memo from HQ regarding this issue may allay some of the officers concerns about becoming a scapegoat in the next instance of that type of incident happening.

I think it's best to wait for 'that' memo. But I guess we just cannot wait can we :)
hi guys,
i sent an email to my lawyer last week abt this and the paralegal has replied that

"As you know, most rumors do not come true! Especially in this business!

As far as we know there is no such rule being seriously proposed. Sounds like someone's wishful thinking."

i wish that wish comes true.