Mumbai Feb PCC Issue...

sri ganesh - did you esclate the process, by sending someone in India

can you tell , which RPO Office in India. can you give more details
We may not be able to do much about the 30-45 day period

I guess even people in Indian Consulate will not be able to change policies overnight. Fact is American Consulates in India have not given us enough time and their expectation to produce Indian PCC at such a short notice is not realistic. (FBI clearance takes 4-6 weeks, PCC from UK takes 4-6 weeks and I\'m sure people who have obtained PCC from other countries have waited for at least 4-6 weeks). We will have to request respective American Consulates to come up with an alternative like accept a letter from Indian Consulate in US saying we have applied for PCC, others can post their ideas about verbiage and content of the letter we should aim to get from the Indian Consulate if we do not get our PCCs. work done in India


I did not expedite the PCC processing from India. I had absolutely no intention to send my friends and family members run around like crazy in India. I simply waited 30 days (applied for PCC on Dec 18 and got it on Jan 18, making it 31 days).

My wife will carry photocopies of these PCCs to RPO in Mumbai and submit the forms:
1) Passport Application/Registration computer scannable form (1 page)
2) Personal Particular Form (2 copies)
3) Miscellaneous Services Form (1 copy)

All these forms are available for download from Mumbai\'s RPO. Search "Passport office+Mumbai" on yahoo. We will NOT submit our passports but they can take our photocopies. And that\'s it, I am not going to put in a lot of effort into this.

my wife will also go to the local police station and ask them to give PCC in line with SF consulate. maybe seeing that I already am cleared from the US, they might issue one quickly.
GC Despo....


Apart from applying for PCC and then going to collect it, I have no idea how they handled it. Looks like they just gave it to me. i did call on jan 16th saying that I will need my PCC on the 18th. the lady said that\'s fine...just come in the morning of 18th and get it.
Look at the jurisdication range

DC Indian embassy has a list of states that it covers. If you fall under that send it to DC. BTW, they told me that PCC fees have been increased ot $ 40. Can anybody confirm this ?

Do you really need to get additional police clearances from India? Isnt the PCC from Indian consulate enough?
PCC fees $ 40 ?

Is it true that PCC will cost $ 40 from Jan and not $11 as the DC site lists...
my response to two previous postings....

I don\'t think PCC is required from local indian authorities. Also, I am taking a printout of an email that "natcam" posted on this portal. this email was received from MumbaiIV and states that PCC from indian consulate in the US is sufficient and no such PCC from local authorities is required.

However, there is some confusion still lingering. I will spend atmost few hours in India trying to get it from Local Police Stations. as far as RPO is concerned, I already have filled forms and so will send somebody (or my wife will go - she has other work in that area anyway) and drop it off. i am not expecting anything from RPO so quickly.....

in short, i truly believe PCC from indian consulate in the US is enough.

as far as fees are concerned, the fees have been increased (Indian governement saw that PCC is in hot demand right now....) from Jan 2002. contact your local consulate and find out.
is it possible to postpone your inteview?

in case there is some problem, like PCC not available or say
health related issues, cn we postpone the interview? whats
the procedure for that? does consulate allow that?
know if any one has done that?
Hi Asit Waghani

Hey Asit, this is vinod sanil.

How are you?. Regarding PCC from Mumbai should ok dude.

Packet 3 Submission.

Hi Junta,
I am planning to send Packet 3 by FEDEX. I wanted to know, how did
you guys sent your packet 3. Shall I use signature not required upon
Also, Packet 3 should contain
1. Cover Letter
2. OF-169
3. DS-230 Pt I
Am I missing anything else?
Please let me know.
PCC in Mumbai

I m in Bombay got here on Sunday , without PCC for wife.

Went to RpO in worli.. used fathers contact..
apparentlt the PCC in bbay is a 1 hour issue , if they
have issued your passport , cause they have the police record on file.

I hope to get my wifes tomorrow morning ( Wednesday ) .

Intervuiew on Feb 1 st.

The us embassy looks like a fortress.. mud bags , cops with AK 47s etc al.

I hope the USIS issue in Calcutta today does nt affect us.
PCC from Indian Consulate might be adequate


I got an email from the US consulate today - merely 2 words - which indicates that PCC from Indian consulate in the US will do. although I asked the question about PCC from local authorities in india, there was no mention and hence I am assuming it\'s OK.

I would suggest everybody get such an email (keep it short, mine was 2-liner, they already know the story) and get a response in your name. you can then present the printout of the email to them if they create problems later on.

at the same time, if it gives mental peace to get PCC from police station, do so. i have already started that procedure and i will see if i can get it. but not gonna spend sleepless nights if i don\'t get it from indian local folks. i have the PCC from Indian Consulate in the US.
PCC from Consulate should be enough

Keep in mind that India consulate here is getting the PCC from Indian Authorities.

Why do we need it from them again ??

I Will not even try to get it from India.
Police Clearance - Two PCC needed (Indian Consulate + local Police)

I just received an email from the Mumbai consulate saying I need two PCC - one from Indian Consulate and also from Local Police. I have asked for clarification on Local Police - not expecting a reply before 10 days!
Check email below:

From: Fernandes, Santano E []
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 5:31 AM
To: \'Chowdhury, Padmalaya (P.)\'
Subject: RE: Police Clearance Certificate

You need one from the Indian Consulate and also from the local police

-----Original Message-----
From: Chowdhury, Padmalaya (P.)
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:06 AM
To: \'\'
Subject: Police Clearance Certificate
> Hello,
I have an appointment on 25th Feb, 2002 (Case number XXXXXXXXXXXXX) for
consular processing. I have lived in India and the US only. For Police
clearance certificate - is one from the Indian consulate in the US
sufficient? Do I need any additional police certificates from the local
police authorities?
Natcam and I got email that PCC from Consulate OK.

And that\'s what I am banking on. I will be carrying a printout of the email sent to me. There is no way to get PCC from either the RPO or Local police station - my wife is in India and she tried both. I mean you can get it, but takes 30 days and you need to be in India as RPO needs your original passport.

PCHOWDH: check your private. we have interview on the same date.