Mumbai Feb PCC Issue...

shri ganesh

Registered Users (C)

Feb CPers, lets talk about it and try to help each other in any way we can. We all are going to Mumbai and so if somebody needs to get some documents from the US, we can carry them and help each other. concerned parties can talk offline but some info might be helpful to all of us and hence this discussion.

To give my status:
interview on feb 25th. wife leaves for india with her PCC on jan 22nd. i leave on feb 14th. wife will apply at RPO/local Police Station in India but i do not have any hope. i hope to get my PCC from indian consulate at SF this week. keeping my fingers crossed.

any Feb CPer who has already gotten some form of PCC. (my wife got her in 1 day as her passport was issued in the US)
If your wife has PCC from Indian consulate

Why will she get PCC from local Office in India ?
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I got my wife\'s + my PCC from CGNY earlier this month. The turnaround time was fairly quick since our current passports were issued in the US. I\'m not planning to obtain additional PCC from Indian authorities at this time. Since the PCC requirement is going to be enforced after Jan 31, it will be important to get feedback from early Feb CPers (wantAGC, others) about exact PCC requirements. Our interview is on Feb 27th.
PCC applied Deb 18th.

I applied for my PCC on Dec 18th and so the 30 days get over on Friday. plus I am flying out of SF on the 18th and might not return back to SF till feb 14th when I finally leave for India. so i am kind of leaving SF on friday. if need be, I will have to fight on this basis to get my pcc on friday. hopefully not.

my wife\'s passport was issued here and so she got her pcc in a day. i will need the pcc and show it to officer in local police station and somehow cajole him into issuing the same certificate with his stamp on it. lets see if that works or if those folks and the procedures are smarter than i think.
Shri Ganesh :: My interviw is at New Delhi on January 30th..It may come out better option if :

You guys keep calling consulate frequently & confirm about PCC if the PCC from Indian embassy at USA is enough. Thats what we guys did. We also had a lot of panic among ourselves regarding PCC in the beginning but we started calling New Delhi consulate frequently & it came out that PCC from Indian embassy is enough & thats what I am carrying for my interview on Jan 30th.

Regarding PCC from SFO : keep caling those guys frequently between 2-4PM & you should get your work done pretty soon. Thats what I did.

Hope this helps.
PCC question

Now, i applied for my PCC in Chicago on Jan 4. My passport was issued by Chicago just a month before. Yet, they sent the old passport details to Mumbai RPO.

Can i ask them to use the new passport and issue me the PCC based on the new passport ?

Pl let me know as my interview date is Feb 14, i have to leave by Feb 8 ....

Waghani, I think you should get in a day...

But on the other hand, they still need to check for the old passport. so if they decide and are adamant about it, you can\'t help.

b but try and convince them that that\'s what every other Indian consulate is doing - for passport issued in the US, they give you PCC in 2-3 days max.
All this PCC is very frustating

I applied for PCC by mail on 10th Dec and 24 Dec.. ealier they said fax went on 20th Dec to ahmedabad and they can issue anytime after 21st Jan..

Now today they are saying application was sent on 28th Dec.. and u will have to wait for 45 days..I asked about 30 days and she said they send another reminder to local RPO and after 45 days they can issue PCC
On Feb 15 and leaving on 8th Feb..

And I don\'t think I have time in India to apply for PCC at RPO there.
sri ganesh, sgujar . Is it 30 days or 45 days

These conuslate guys are screwed up.
I was told 45 days too, why the hell they need 45 days for,which idiot mare this rule , what the hell do they do in 45 days, hatch eggs ??
Days vary


The number of days required to issue PCC vary from consulate to consulate. It is 45 for NY, 30 for SF and 30-45 for Chicago. I might be totally incorrect.

anyway, all consulate do honor the request and give PCC if you provide them a copy of your ticket to India. this is a goodwill gesture, i guess. but i know of a case, where even this last resort is not working.
you are right

Even I checked if one is flying this week than can he get PCC? She said "No".. they must wait for 45 days before issuing PCC.. what the hell.. earlier (week ago).. they were saying come anytime after 30days from fax sent date.. they trying to screw us

And to my knoweldge, if there is law of 30 days than it should be 30 days across all consulates(atleaset in USA).. also some consulates give PCC in 1 day and some don\'t (in case pp issued in USA)..

And do they have this rules on their website???
how do u decide which CG?

How do u decide which indian consulate office you have to go?
for me NY and Washington DC are almost equidistant.

Also, has any one tried Washington DC for PCC?

we got to get 30 days or 45 days sorted out.

Guys , try to call a consular Officer , and try to get reasoning of the number of days.

I guess the guys who can not wait 30-45 days , should get answers from the consulate .
I spoke to the consular in CGNY

His name is Santosh Jha .

He said they have to wait at least 30 days from the day they faxed
Mine was faxed on Dec 19th .
So he cannot give me the PCC until Monday.
I m flying tomorrow basically I dont get it.

I ll try and throw some money at this in India ..
Money is easy , time is the hard part ... i m getting married on Jan 25th.