Mumbai Feb CP...countdown

POE successful at NEwark

Uneventful POE ..takes 5 minutes once they start ..
Made me wait for 45 mins tho.
Will post detalis later ..still very sleepy.

Shri Ganesh :

Yes stay cool ... we all know that 1 PCC from the passport office is adequate.
Have a good time in bbay , have a good school reunion ( Are you from TSEC ?, I know they have a re union on Feb 16th ) .
congrats wantAgc

I had a few questions for you:
1) did you have your interview in the beginning of the month i.e Feb?
- the reason I ask is that some people say that only family based cases are scheduled in beginning of the month
2) I am going to send P3 to mumbai sometime soon but am trying to avoid interview between May 20 and Jun 20. Pls advice as to what I should do. Do you think I should send P3 and request late april or early may interview - will the grant my request? or is it better to hold on to P3 and send it later ?

thanks a lot and enjoy

No its not true .. both ds47 and me interviewed on Feb 1st.
We are both employment based .

As for your next question ..
I specifically requested an early Feb interview and got it.
Mention your required dates clearly in your Pkt 3 covering letter.
Call on the phone to confirm that they will give you the dates.

I initially wanted a Jan end date , but narrowly missed the cut off ,as my Pkt reached them only by Nov 20th.
I then called on the phone and requested an early Feb date.
EB1seeker, I filled out the 2030 form and took with me at IRS ...

It is cool .. sometime they ask for Air Ticket carry with you
Interview on Feb 14

Hello all

have my interview on Thursday..

am going for medicals at Lilavati in a few hours as i type...

i only have pcc from chicago, i went to the local police, the passport div there is closed for 2 days due to civic elections !!!

i am not going to try much..
might go to the one near Xaviers (as posted by someone in this group).

Had a question: do we have to take DS 130 Part 1 in original ?
The original was submitted to get the interview.

i have a copy of what my lawyer had submitted.
i am going to fill in an extra form and sign there.

is anyone here from TSec ?

i am from TSEc, i did get a letter, i am not sure if i will be able to make it or not.

will post my exp on Thursday....

Good luck to all...
Sailing Permit....tried but didn\'t get

As I mentioned earlier, I would try to get Sailing Permit since I was in neighbourhood of the IRS office. anyway, the guy was a dhakkan. he went around asking many folks and then finally gave me 1040-C form. said he doesn\'t know much but this is what he can suggest. he even asked me to file 2001 taxes (my wife is already in India and i still haven\'t recd. all the documents). anyway, i simply responded with a "thank you"....federal government here is same as in India. only thing is here they have fundoo equipment and computers to speed up the process. obviously, i am not spending any more time on this useless stuff. i guess - and the dhakkan agreed too - as long as you have your dec. 2001 paystub showing proper tax withholding, you are OK.
Guys, you DONOT need the sailing permit

None of the folks who have gone for CP so far have ever been asked for it. So why not save yourself the trouble.
DD info

Is it OK to use Rs.49/USD as the exchange rate for getting DD. what if the consulate changes its rate again on Feb 14th (as they did on Jan 14th). If they accept/refund the difference in cash, that\'s fine. But if they don\'t...

secondly, DDs are to be made payable to what? "US Consulate, Mumbai"....or something else. do we write our case number, names at the back of DDs (as well as photos?)

I haven\'t read packet 4 yet (it was recd in India) and haven\'t bothered my parents to read it in entirety. so don\'t know if packet 4 gives detailed info on all this. any and all responses is appreciated. thanks.

i will be departing on thursday. flying on NW through Detroit. anybody else?
shri ganesh

DDs should be payable to American Consulate General, Mumbai.

My sailing permit experience was exactly the same - they handed me a 1040-C in spite of my pointing out in the instrcutions that the requirement is either 1040-C or 2063.

Flying out of Boston on NW/KLM next Friday.
No Title

go to the "Indian overseas bank " right across from the consulate.
They always know the correct rate.

Outside the US embasy they also post the conversion rate on the notice board. ( besides the information window ) .
But I saw two boards .. one says 48 and the other said 49 .
The bank used 49 as the rate.( My pkt 4 said 48 ) .
Why don\'t we just pay USD cash instead of DD?


have you see any sign or any info about they accept cash or not ?
wantAgc and other gurus please help

I got march interview date at Mumbai. I received appointment letter along with packet 4 to my Indian address yesterday. The appointment letter doesn\'t have any signature on it. I found this strange. All information is correct except signature part is missing. Is this the case with you guys too??? Please help.
No signature on Appointment Letter

That\'s normal. It seems unusual, but it\'s the consulate\'s norm
Cash fee at the consulate

I read some posting few months ago when the consulate was accepting cash dollars (except $100 bills) towards payment of the visa and application fee. But then I read about a more recent case when cash was not accepted and the person was told that the consulate had stopped doing that.

Since there doesn\'t seem to be a clear policy on cash, I\'m plannig to take DDs, but does anyone know about any recent expereiences?
photos for medical exam

Does the hospital require the \'immigration\' style photos (right side), or will regular US style passport photos do?

i am taking just the regular photos....and if they object

you can always get the photos on the spot at asiatic in churchgate and many other places. you can go in the afternoon and get the photos and submit it in the afternoon. they didn\'t specify the photo requirement and i am not going to bother much about it.
medical test photos

I gave regular pictures to breach candy hospital ... not GC style.

js123 ...I dont think my pkt 4 appointment letter had a signature either... you re fine.