Mumbai Feb CP...countdown


Don\'t worry about posting out of context - you were not the first one to do it on this thread.

Looking at the Mumbai consulate history in the recent months, it usually takes them 45-60 days to schedule an interview after they receive Packet 3. If you send your Packet 3 so that it reaches before March 15th, you should, in most likelihood, have an interview in late May. A Feb end Packet 3 receipt will probably get you an interview in early May. You see more interviews towards the beginning and end of a month, so it\'ll be hard to time an interview to fall in the middle of the month, but it\'s always worth a try. This is just my theory anyways.

I have never been able to speak with someone over the phone at the consulate. I did receive a response to my email query within 3 days. I\'m waiting for response to my 2nd query since the past 7 days.
No Title

I finally got my wifes PCC from the worli passport office.
If I ever wondered why I left India , I was reminded in the RPO.
They can actually give u a PCC in 1 hour , if they have your record in their database.
My wifes was not there .
I had to catch the programmer , make him restore the export file and run a SQL query.
The query results satisfied the RPO. and we got the PCC>
Total time : 4 days !!! Was life meant to be this way.

I am NOT getting any local PCC , no time ( or energy ) .

Got my pictures from My own photo studio in Breach candy.
Got the drafts from Indian overseas bank.
they charge a total of Rs 300 as commission for me and my wife.

Did medicals at BC , met DS47 and wife there.
Smooth , long waits frustrated me tho.

48 hours to go . Will I taste freedom !!
IT is covered in most of the HMO\'s plan

Just tell your doctor\'s office (or the allergy nurse) that you are planning to travel to India and would like to make sure that you are immunized properly to take extra precaution. They would give you MMR, TD and Varicella, I think that is all you need. No need to mention immigration as then they start asking about the requirements and who is supposed to pay etc.
- Mukul

you need separate passport for each applicant ... that is must .. get the passport for your daughter .. I did same for my son .. same like your situation

Thank you. I will go personally to CGNY next week and get it. Should be able to get it the same day, as per their website.

Have you got your PCC?

Now only hope this EB!-EB2 mixup gets cleared in time.
shri ganesh and rashid truman

Thx for the best wishes .
I need it , we all do.

Will swing past Haji ali today ... this CP jazz has turned me into a superstitious bloke !
MyOwnStudio - photographs for CP

I know there is one near consulate and other one near Gowalia Tank (Opp. August Kranti Maidan). Can someone please post more specific addresses and directions? Phone numbers would help too.
February is here.....comprehensive list of documents

in about 1-2 hrs, it will be Feb in India. I wish all you Feb CPers good luck. I will have my final documents ready next Friday. the employment letter and the I-134. as close to my departure as possible.

My list is very comprehensive and you can decide to skip some of it. Each individual case is different and so you must evaluate your documentation yourself. The following is a great guideline. You must evaluate which one is for primary applicant and which one for secondary or both. I am unable to format that in here as it is an Excel file. It goes as below:

Birth Certificate (BC)
Birth Affidavit, if BC not available
Domicile Certificate
Ration Card

School Leaving Certificate, if BC not available
SSC Certificate

College Leaving Certificate
HSC Marksheet
HSC Certificate

Marksheets (Undergrad)
Degree (B.Tech., B.Sc., B.S., etc.)

Marksheet (Graduate)
Degree (M.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.)

Any additional licensure/diploma, etc.

Employment offer (all jobs listed on LCA)
Performance Evaluation(s) (last company, only if you are evaluated "satisfactory" or above)
Company\'s Annual Report
Business cards (check your title carefully)

Marriage Certificate
Wedding Invitations
Photographs (6-10, preferably showing guests)

Passport (all. If more than one passport, current one to have 6+ months validity)
I-94 copy only, if available
F1 - 1st (have original I-20 as well)
F1 - 2nd (for every school attended)
H1 - First
H1 - First package (interview at mumbai consulate)
H1 - Second
H1 - Second Package (drop box at consulate)
All SSN cards
Other (B1, Tourist visas, etc.)

Labor Cert Application (RFE,if any)
Labor Cert Approval Notice (photocopy)
I-140 Application (RFE, if any)
I-140 Approval Notice ORIGINAL
I-824 Application (RFE, if any)
I-824 Receipt Notice
I-824 Approval Notice ORIGINAL
AC-140/P3 application copy

Birth Certificate
Birth Affidavit
Interview Letter, original
OF-169 or equivalent (copy as original submitted)
Medical Report (sealed envelope)
PCC from indian consulate
PCC from Local Police Station in India (not for NRIs)
PCC from RPO in India (not for NRIs)
DS230 Part I or equivalent (copy as original subm)
DS230 Part II unsigned
IRS-9003 on yellow paper
Tax Transcript (past 3 years, order from IRS) & Sailing Permit, if any.
Photos (3 each)
Copy of web printout showing your interview date/time (
Other Medical Records
Copy of Packet 3 or AC140 application

I-134 (or I-864) properly notarized
Paystubs (past 3 months)
Employment Letter (preferably
Sucessful CP in Mumbai Feb 1 2002. PCC is reqd.

I cant believe that I am actually postimg this message.
Im in a net cafe in Fort , Bombay .

The CP process went off well , interview barely a minute .
I will post a detailed message later.

Importatnt points :
1. They asked for PCC from RPO only .
Certain family based cases were sent away , because they did not
have the PCC. I told the deshi guy collecting documents how unfair this
last minute PCC thing is , he agreed , but said he has no choice.
Lucky I had the PCC in the nick of time.
BTW mumbai police gave me a letter saying that they do NOT issue PCC\'s and that if the RPO gives you one , then that is adequate.

2. They did not notice that my wife lives in Milwaukee and I in New Jersey.

3. No issues about my wife being on F1 ( OPT ) .

4. No issues about my wife retaining her maiden name.

5. No issues about us having a civil wedding in NJ.

Even DS47 walked thru the CP process . Besides the 2 of us there were no other employment CP cases today.
Picked up the passports / packets at 3 PM ( early beacuse its friday ) .

Could not believe my eyes to see my name on the packet .

Went to Konkan cafe at the president hotel for some good fish curry.

More later...

Shree ganesh , natcam, rashid truman and co , I will post a detailed
message later.

Until then.

Thx for all the help . Would not have been possible without u guys.
Local PCC


Could you please scan the letter that you got from the Bombay Police and post it on this forum?

Congrats wantAgc...PCC question


Congrats...good start for Feb.

Did you have PCC from CGNY or Mumbai RPO? I know you had your wife\'s PCC from RPO in Mumbai. Do you think they care since the two are equivalent anyway....or you didn\'t even go there. What did DS47 have?
Hotels in Bandra and Breach Candy

I just recd. PCC from NY for my wife (I had recd. mine earlier). Although it took just 1 day, I had to renew her passport, (get it reissued from NY), and then get PCC.
I would recommend this method (get you passport re-issued somehow from here) to anybody who needs a PCC done quick.

I have scheduled my medical at Lilavati on the 18th (Feb), and interview is on the 27th.

Any recommendations for hotels in the area? (Bandra, where I will be staying for a couple of days for the medical, and Breach Candy, for the interview). Would appreciate some feedback from native Mumbaiites!!
don\'t forget to take passport size photos for medical....!

perhaps you have not mentioned in list...
Kids need seperate PP

For US visa, kids too need a seperate PP. Anyway check with Indian Embassy. Getting a seperate PP for the kid would be quick and easy.
Hi Guys, I get my PCC\'s for myself , mywife .. thank god ..

I am doing my mediacal at hinduja ..everything else is ready ..almost ..interview on 26 the