Mumbai Feb CP...countdown

shri ganesh

Registered Users (C)
The other thread has gone too long and also had a different focus. Now, we no longer are awaiting interview dates but instead are making final preparations. Will post list of documents I am carrying sometimes later. it\'s in my other laptop. Plus connections in India are slower and a shorter thread is more convenient to handle.

We are now 18 of us so far.....MR1 postponed the interview because of PCC (per

I will carry PCC from Indian consulate only (already obtained). I found out that there is no way of getting PCC in India without giving away your passport for 10-30 days (depends). I am not willing to take that risk. So I am not going to pursue that any longer.

It\'s 4 days when Feb begins and
b wantAgc & ds47

have their interview. Good luck to all of us.
The famous Srifx list...

Don\'t forget to add the most popular document (PCC) to the list :). Here\'s the original posting by srifx:

I would like to join bobsumca in thanking TryCP for his detailed list, which I used as a starting point for collecting and arranging the documents. The procedure I followed was extremely helpful to keep track and put together all the docs in the right order which was useful during the actual interview where the officer just took the copies and returned the originals and NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
I bought transparent plastic folders from Office Depot which are like pouches and have a flap that can be secured by a button or an elastic band.
Though I later stuck label tabs to the outside of the folders, I did notice that you can get folders with label tabs.
I had the following folders ready and labeled
1. Myname -1 (CP interview)
2. Spousename - 1 (CP interview)
The rest of the folders were for the just-in-case scenario
3. Myname - 2 (H1+I140+LC)
4. Myname - 3 (Edu + Emp)
5. Spouse-2 (H1 + Edu + Emp)
6. Company docs (Alternate name, Payroll records)
7. Extra copies
I acquired thick heavy-duty transparent plastic carry bags (the ones you get at shopping malls) since Chennai does not allow opaque bags or even paper bags. This was also a GOOD decision since we were waved through security while several others were searched in detail and asked to keep their bags outside and I noticed people carrying the loose paper bundles in their hands which was uncomfortable considering the amount of paperwork.
Folder 1
Myname -1 (CP interview) (in the following order, held together using large paper clip)
1. Passport
2. 3 Immigration photos (1.5in by 1.5 in. Sign on two copies at the bottom front. Do not sign on the 3rd copy)
3. OF-171: Appt letter from Consulate (original letter)
4. OF230 part I(photocopy) & II Visa application (part-II UNSIGNED)
5. Marriage Cert. orig + copy
6. 3 Wedding photos (in a clear plastic envelope) + wedding card
7. Birth Cert. orig + copy
8. Employment letter (orig- notorised)
9. 3 months bank statements
10. last 3 years tax returns (1998, 1999, 2000)
11. Medical reports (no X-rays)
12. IRS 9003 form
Folder 2
Spousename - 1 (CP interview): (in the following order, held together using large
paper clip)
1. Passport
2. 3 Immigration photos (1.5in by 1.5 in. Sign on two copies at the bottom front. Do not sign on the 3rd copy)
3. OF230 part I(photocopy)& II Visa application (part-II UNSIGNED)
4. Marriage cert copy
5. 3 wedding photos (in a clear plastic envelope) + wedding card
6. Birth Cert. copy orig + copy
7. Affid of support for spouse I-134 (org-notorised)
8. Copy of primaries employment letter
9. Medical reports (no X-rays)
10. IRS 9003 form
Folder 3
Myname - 2 (H1+I140+LC)
1) Latest H-1 approval notice (my visa in passport had expired)
2) originals + supporting docs of all H1, F1, I-20\'s, H4\'s etc.
3) copies of Labor cert (AEC), I-140 application, I-140 approval etc.
Folder 4
Myname - 3 (Edu + Emp)
1) originals + copies of work experience certs
2) Degree certs, transcripts, marklists + copies
Folder 5
Spouse-2 (H1 + Edu + Emp)
1) Latest H-1 approval notice (my visa in passport had expired)
2) originals + copies of work experience certs
3) Degree certs, transcripts, marklists + copies
Folder 6
Company docs (Alternate name, Payroll records)
Reg of alt name ( Since my past docs have another name that the company was using)
Payroll record and paystubs ( to establish my past employment)
Folder 7
Extra copies of all of the above.
Hi, Planning to go in preson on 4th for PCC as no body answers phone and dont\' have enough time

Hi folks,
CGNY sent fax in my case on 20th Dec and I have been trying to call every 5 minutes since last two weeks but noone answers the phones or returns the call.
And as I am leaving on 8th for interview on 15th, I am planning to goto CGNY from boston on 4th Feb and requesting them to issue.. also it will be the 45th day and hoping to get.. dont\' have time in india to get it from RPO.

Hope CGNY will understand the situation and issue PCC. Let me know if anybody have better idea..

Also, does anyone have any thing that will prove that CGNY issues needs to issue PCC after 45 days of application or fax went out date

can u tell when u applied for PCC.
These CGNY ass**** have typical "babu" mentality.
I applied on 12/18/01. After great difficulty i got to
speak to someone on the phone and last week they told
i can come this week to pick up PCC. I emailed them just to
confirm and get a reply i have to wait 45 days from the
date of application.
HI GcDspo,

I applied on 12/13/2001, the got the mail 12/21/2001 and they send Telegram or whatever f*** to RPO on 12/28/2001. Today, 30 days countdown is complete, they send reminder now and if they will not get any paper from RPO then they will issue PCC on friday -02/01/2002.

Hope this one help .. I know your frustation and I have that too.. but call some one like santish JAha .. passport officer or someone ..
they should help


Call 212-774-0605

This is Mr. Santosh Jha\'s direct number.

Whoever picks up the call, ask for the status of your PCC. They would ask you to call 212-774-0667.

Tell them that no one is picking up at that number and finally, they would transfer the call to the concerned PCC department.

I used to do the same thing every time.

I used to call every other day and finally got my PCC in about 35 days.
Natcam Thanx!

I called Jha\'s no and someone picked up at the 2nd ring itself!
lady told to come to counter 8 anytime next week.

Gurjar, can you please post your experience when you go there.

Also i\'ll be travelling from South Jersey, anybody know how to
get to CGNY.

Got this from Jha

45 days from the date of application, about 30-35 days from the date of

Santosh Jha
Consul (CPV)

----- Original Message -----
To: "\'Passport Section, Indian Consulate\'"
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 8:11 AM
Subject: RE: PCC


 Can you kindly be more specific about the date.
 The reason i am asking is though i have applied
 on 12/18/01, i was told on the phone that my applictaion
 was faxed to the RPO on 12/21/01 and my wifes application
 on 12/27/01. So this 45 days period is it from the date of
 my application or the date the application was faxed from CGNY.
 If it is 45 days from the date of fax, then can i get the PCC
 before i leave to India on Feb 13,2002?
 Further, should my wife also accompany me in person to the Consulate?

 Also it would be helpful to me and many others who have applied for
 PCC, if you could update your web site clearly about CGNY\'s procedures and policies.

 Thanks for your cooperation.
thanks sgujar and natcam

I call santosh jha\'a number and lady picked up the phone and I said I applied PCC for 40 days and have calling 0667 number no one answers the phone and I am flying next week and requested to issue PCC.. she ask about RPO and I said it\'s India and she said we might not receive the clearance yet.. and tranfer the call to PCC department..

Lady from that department told me that they haven\'t received clearance but you can come any day around 8:00am they will issue it 99%.. there is only 1% chance that they may refuse it..

So planning to goto NY consulate on 4th March..
sorry I mean it\'s 4 Feb, u right office opens at 9:00am..

I belive 8:00am is the standard they are telling when we are coming for consular(in person)..

And I belive going around 8:30am helps as you would be in front of line.. and line usually builds up around 9:00am from my previous experience..
Seeking interview date in May

sorry for posting in here out of context. i presumed that this will be one of the most visited thread and you all would be the best ppl to help.

i have been holding to my packet 3 for various reasons for quite a while now. I would like an interview date at mumbai sometime in the 2nd week of May. When should i send my packet 3 ? Would it help if i put a note along with my packet 3 requesting for a an interview around that time ?

whats the best mode of communication with the mumbai consulate. i have written to them a couple of times (at email addresses picked from their site) but never received any reply. should i have somebody in india call them ?

Thanks in advance.

I did AC140 and I did calculate while sending my AC140 and I did get interview in the desired month. But i think, that\'s being lucky. there is no way to predict. but try to get your application reach mumbai sometimes prior to mar 10. that way, you will definitely skip april.

also request that you want interview to be in the second week. sometimes they honour your request.

There is no way you can get the specific date ..but you can request ..My recomedation is to send now and ask for interview in May .. if they schedule in April then call them to get the date in MAy..

Hoep this help
Send an Email they do reply back quickly.

If you send an email to the consular in charge of the consular process then you should be able to get an answer within a day. I always sent an email to Mr. Santosh Zha and he seems to reply me within a day. Try it.
How can I get MMR in US ?

Is it covered under the HMO plans.. Do they have these in the Public Health Offices..

Would appreciate your inputs..
ask your doctor or call up your insurance folks.

i had taken it way back from india. but my wife\'s was covered, i guess under her student health insurance.
I am also scheduled for Feb but...

My interview is scheduled for Feb 26. When Mumbai put up the schedule I noticed they called my case E2 (I had applied for EB1 - outstanding researcher). Then we found that the approval notice from INS had the wrong category and the lawyer did not even bother to check. Now they are trying to correct this but who knows.

I have PCC from CGNY. Issued after about 45 days.

My daughter is on my wife\'s passport (she was born outside the US). Is this an issue? Does anyone know?