Mumbai Consulate ever reply email or not?


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Hey Everyone!

I email Mumbai consulate three times but no one reply... what should i do?.. keep email them.... or what?'s hard to contact them by phone bcoz of time difference...and sometimes they don't pick up the phone so i guess there is nothing we can do...

* Best bet is to wait for their reply. I have heard hat they reply but takes a while.

* Other option is to have someone in india contact them via phone between 9am-4pm IST M-F @011-91-22-2363-7407/ 7408. Ideal time 9am IST which is 11:30pm EST!
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They do reply. Some time they do take 2-3 days. Depending on your query and how busy they are.

Guess have patience.
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Thanks for reply guys... But it's more than one week and they haven't reply yet.. i'm worried... i hope they have received my Case....
Bbay consulates normaly response time has been 1 week but since that has passed I' suggest calling them between 9am-4pm IST M-F @011-91-22-2363-7407/ 7408. Ideal time 9am IST which is 11:30pm EST OR have someone in india call them but then provide dyour folks with your bmb number as that will be required. Or if you want someone can even go to consulate with your bmb number and consulate will provide additional info. But, I think calling them by phone is a better and easier option.
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Thanks kdivekar for reply...

Well my husband tried to call there but nobody's answering phone.... one of my husband friend was going bombay so we have given him our case# to find out the status... let's wait and see what they say...

bytheway do you think they have entered my info into their system? case was forwarded to bombay on july 2nd... i

When you say forward date as 2nd july, I am assuming you are referring to p3 being forwarded to bbay consulate on 2nd july. if thats the case then my guess is that it should have been entered in the bbay consulate system. 1 week in mail and 1 week to enter in system. So somewhere around 17-19th July is when it should have been entered would be my guess. Normally when the case is entered in the system, bbay consulate sends an email to the lawyers concerned. So it may also help for you to check with your lawyers to see if they have received an email from bbay.

I am sure like myself you too are finding these last few months of gc process agonizing! All the best!
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