Multiple Wives on I485 application


New Member
Please don\'t laugh or judge me.
I am being honest and not pretending
this is a problem of a "friend".

I have three wives. Am I able to
add them all to my I485 application
or can I only add one. Will the INS
frown upon this.

If I can add only one, how can I
bring the others over from home.

This is a serious problem. I must
move away from home. But to leave
two wives at home would cause them
great shame and a life of dishonor.

I am an Academic and a University
is willing to sponsor me for a future
job and I will come over when it is
approved. Currently I140 has just been
approved, due to file I485 soon.

Please, only serious replies.

I am from India and I am a Hindu
when I went to the Dubai consulate I was told that
You are allowed one wife and two children on a H1 visa
the wife and two children shall be on H4 dependant visa and not allowed to work

Of Course this is entirely different from Green card (I-485) issues
but this may give u some perspective

I have heard that in some states of USA that mormons are allowed to have more than one wife - but this is just an opinion

My best advice is for you to consult an immigration attorney
Thank you.

Are you really only allowed to bring over 2 children?

I have six, at last count, I can\'t very well leave four behind.

Or are you saying on the entry trip I can only bring
over two children and then show i can support them and
then bring over the remaining four.

The position is at a well-respected University.
I am only telling u

what I heard when I went for H1 application

I dont know the rule for Green card Employment based
(how many wife\'s and children are allowed)

Sorry - I just dont know

Ask an expert Immigration lawyer
No Title

It is better that I marry them, support
them and give them a place to sleep and live
than let them live on the street.
Ibriam ..

Hi !. As rjngh2000 said some of the "Mormon" christians follow polygamy and it is legal in the state of Utah. However, I am not sure if INS would let you bring in all your wives on a GC. Even though the i-485 appln asks you specifically if you intend to practice polygamy .... i dont think their intent is to allow you to do so ...because they also ask you q\'s like ...would you involve or were involved in prostitution etc., ... and am sure they are not going to let you in if you say yes to any of it. However, if your attorney can convince the INS folks that it is a normal thing/religious belief in the country where you hail from ... you may get away with it. Talk to you attorney right away ... there may not be enough people in this forum who have come across such a situation to help you out. My 2cents.
Good Luck !!

The attorney is in no way able to convince the INS to allow/disallow GC issue. The attorney is only able to guide us and to see that everything is done in accordance to the law. Also the attorney may know of some law which fits in your case and hence able to help you.

You could try to post your message in the I-485 section

An attorney Jim Mills generally answers questions in that section.

Best of luck
No Title

I emailed attorney.

He said that I cannot bring over all wives.
I must choose one, others cannot come over
ever as they are no relation to me.
If I tick the box labelled polyagmy I will not
be given green card.

Why does this country force us to make
these hard decisions. I love all wives
equally and they all love each other.
When I come home from work each makes
me a dish to eat and will satisfy my every
I must leave my country but I cannot leave
all my wives.

We go and do everything together. Walking, picnics,
sleeping. Brothers, what can I do?
Alright- sorry- I had to laugh at Yamaha\'s comment!

Here\'s some information for you:
It is illegal to have more than one wife ANYWHERE in United States. Mormon culture used to have multiple wives but the Mormon church banned it a while back, and those who still practise polygamy (and are in public media so that everyone knows about them) are either being sued, or imprisoned! One case happened not too long ago- less than six months back and it was in news!
Next- number of children- you can include however many children as long as they\'re from your wife (and I mean ONE wife) and you (and NOT through multiple wives). I believe you can also include adopted children- but I\'m not positive on that one.
So.. my fellow earth-mate.. I still think United States is a wrong place for you to be- if you believe in polygamy- irrelevant of why you\'re practicing that. As someone else suggested, you\'re better off staying at home where you are!
I dream that this nation goes a step forward with the help of foreigners, not a billion steps backward!
Polygamy may be a problem for immigration.


I am not a lawyer so please check with some one who is.
That said, I believe that saying that you practice polygamy will disqualify you from a GC.
Just like saying that you have performed prostitution etc. will do the same.

This is inspite the fact that Polygamy may be practised in UTAH (though I think it may still be illegal there too)
But then again prostitution is legal in Nevada.

So I don\'t think there is any way for you to bring more than one wife to the US.
In any case, even if you were able to bring more than one wife to the US, you would probably have to leave in Utah only.
And even then you wife(s) may have a bit of a tough life in the U.S.... since US society may not be as accepting of this.

Just my 2 cents. Please check with a real lawyer.
The poster asks as not to laugh, but the whole thing is laughable

I believe this post is totally fake. I guess the poster wanted to use Ibraim instead of Ibriam, was this just a problem with the keyboars, or just the poster is not truly kurd, and doesn\'t have an idea how to spell the name. Secondly, this thing of satisfying his every whim is just a clear give away to me that he is just joking.

Probably most of the replies are made by the same individual, who probably is the same who has been causing havoc for the past few days, and posting under new names, and trying to kidnap the login names of other people.

In case this was a serious inquiry, which I doubt, I think it doesn\'t matter Utah or not Utah, without being a lawyer I\'m pretty sure he cannot bring all wives.
After all those finger-pointing and nonsensical posts about that guy with multiple handles/ID\'s ...

this one is a riot. LOL!