Multiple FP rejection by FBI


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I have been fingerprinted 2 times by the San Francisco ASC. Both the times the prints were rejected by the FBI. Is there anyone else in this situation as well? What can one do to find out the exact reason for the rejection and take remedial steps (if any)?

Thanks in advance.

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My FP was rejected twice and got cleared the third time.
I used hand cream lotion every night before my third try.
I also alerted the technician that it had been rejected twice to ensure
that he/she would be careful.
Also I relaxed and kept my fingers loose when the FP was being taken.
I just kept it relaxed and easy - instead of trying to press hard.

I am not sure whether these tips helped me or not.

Good luck in your third attempt.

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How did you get the second and third FP notice respectively if you do not mind? Thanks!
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I stood in the line for around 4 hours each time at the local INS office (San Jose) and got a FP notice
issued on the spot. Had I waited for the regular notice to come thru I would stil be waiting.

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What did you have to say at the INS office to get the appointment? Does one have to wait a certain number of days after a rejection to ensure that the INS see the rejection as well?

Did anyone try anything similar at the San Francisco INS center as well?

Any experience sharing will be greatly appreciated.

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FP experience sharing.

My FP experience is similar to Sriram\'s but a little luckier :)

My suggestions:

1. Avoid the crowd. If nobody is waiting, the ASC operator can have plenty of time (no pressure) to do your FP carefully.
For San Jose ASC, it is good to get there after 1:30PM.

2. Take it easy and relax yourself. Be submissive to the ASC operator. Don\'t struggle against her/him!!
Be gentle when put your fingers on the scanner. Don\'t press hard.

3. If you need to request a FP notice from local INS, just bring your pictured ID (driver\'s license) and a copy of 485 receipt, tell the officer that your FP has been rejected by FBI so you need a new notice. Wait for about one week so the FBI rejection can be shown on INS computer system.
You must go there IN PERSON. You cannot request a FP notice for others.

4. The FP notice issued by San Jose INS is effective immediately and lasting for 3 months. I am not sure if it can be copied and reused.
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I went to the San Jose INS office with my I-485 receipt notice and my Driver\'s License (photo id).
Told the INS officer that my FP was rejected and gave my A#.
I was issued a FP notice on the spot after the INS officer verified that it was indeed rejected from
the system.
It is best to wait a few days for the FBI results to get into the INS system.
