Msg: Status for this Receipt Number cannot be found


Registered Users (C)
Today morning I tried to check my and my wife's status
I am getting following msg. Does anybody experienced this?
There is no misteak in case no.

Status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the service center where you submitted your application.
Happened to me many times

No rhyme or reason. Some people reported even more strange things like state of their case going approved -> FP received or the like. In other words - do not worry.
Did you run a scan. The eralier dinied message occasionally now are comming as you have stated (case not found ). check from some where else or after 48 hrs ..

were you able to find these case numbers before ?
if yes, had you registered them with your id ?
same is happening with my wife's EAD. the SRC printed on the notice is not found at all.
I got this message from time to time, my guess is that the system was busy, couldn't able to handle the volume of hits, so it displays standard message. It's just a guess though, nothing valid.
Today I tried again and I got the standard message of 850 to 900 days.

Yes I use to check my case numbers before and I have registered also.

Thank you all