Mr R.Srinivasan


New Member
I just wanted to know if Dual Citizenship is active now. I was born in the U.S and came to India 10 year back . I have an old American Passport (expired) and an Indian passport . I have not renounced American citizenship. Will I be eligable for Dual citizenship.

Interesting you gave up US citizenship to get Indian citizenship years back (since you have Indian passport) and now you are trying to get the US citizenship??

If that is the case, you have to get the GC first and then wait 5 years to apply for "DUAL citizenship"...Experts can comment
He is already a US citizen and dont need to file for GC, I guess he has to apply for new passport at the consulate i guess.
floridalc said:
He is already a US citizen and dont need to file for GC, I guess he has to apply for new passport at the consulate i guess.

But as soon as he does that, he has to surrender Indian passport
as India does NOT recognize dual citizenship. He can then apply
for Overseas Indian Citizenship, which is in pipeline.