Mr Khanna, why is there no legal support ( read litigation ) for us ?

We compete with VCS they compete with CSC

I guess they have got some agenda to beat CSC date..It is not last in..first out or first in first out..
it is whenever in whatever out..whoever in..whatsoever out.. :cool:
on election day enjoy other board man..
It's really ironic for us to enjoy the election day when our voice is stymied and our interest totally ignored.
Sumanta said:
Your self-interest ( probably you are looking with glee , being one of those
2003 / 2004 applicants, hoping your turn is round the corner ) guides
your logic in one direction, letting your benefit of doubt swerve in a certain way.

No, I don't have any self-interest. I was approved 2.5 years back within 4 months after I485 filing. And I would be very glad if every person gets approval so fast. And I don't see any reason why USCIS cannot do the same thing what they did 3 or 2.5 years back. That's the very reason I support Rajiv Khanna's lawsuit.

Sumanta said:
Exactly with me. If you notice people with Sept 2002 and even earlier dates
and their predicament, its safe enough to say that my ( being one of those
ill-fated ones ) self-interest tells me that its happening coz of this

You are just pointing to a wrong thing.

Sumanta said:
Till such time, I would concur that prior to this litigation, while USCIS
was the same screwed agency, they never reacted by handling things
in a Last In First Out Queue approach. They were bad and slow and
yet, they did handle cases in a First In First Out way.

Actually when backlog was growing in 2002, it not even first-in-first-out. It's was all-in-but-no-out. I hope you remember that in 2002 there were hardly any approval. As your are 2002 applicant, I am sure you did not forget those days -when USCIS was giving 100 of excuses for not processing I485s. And I hope you did not like those days. If a lawsuit makes last-in-first-out, that's still better than all-in-but-no-out.
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Maths and USCIS

Ok let me put this way...If you have to do a+b one time in one can do if you have to do the same one million can not do ..even if you have the best intent .. right ? it is possible that cure is somewhere else..and i am sure that steps taken by Rajiv will take this in right direction..
What kinda fuzzy math is that ?

I thought I was good in Maths. Maybe I am not. Can someone
explain what the above stands for ? Thanks for the light entertainment
More maths

I sincerely wish your approval lets say there are X applicants waiting in for approval and Y has been approved ..since there are X-Y left for a fixed # of USCIS guys.. your probability of getting approved is going up...that’s why I enjoy each approval and wish all the best for everyone in the queue
I hope your thoughts and guesses are right

The unfortunate thing with this crippled agency is once your case starts
rotting and is left behind, there's virtually no way out.

Your probablility theory makes sense to me; whether you can apply it
to USCIS is doubtful. My 6th sense tells me you cant.
USCIS guys are master in astro physics

USCIS is all about random particle per Schrodinger Equation
it is all about locating a particle in a is either 0 or is possible that for many they never converge ..i always think about changing this frustration ( potential energy ) to kinetic energy ( a job search )..AC21 is one such device that can change potent ional energy to kinetic one..
Math explains USCIS activity

Right, USCIS acts has mathematical explanation as of luck for all waiting to be integrated ..don't differentiate now..
6th sense says Litigation is Frivolous

pralay said:
Trust your 6th sense, not logic or reality. :rolleyes:

You know what ? My 6th sense tells me this Litigation that's been initiated
is frivolous and is definitely to blame for this ad-hoc-ism with Dates.
Sumanta said:
You know what ? My 6th sense tells me this Litigation that's been initiated
is frivolous and is definitely to blame for this ad-hoc-ism with Dates.

It's easier to label "6th sense" when you don't have anything to back up your point.

Sometime back people used to believe that the earth is flat and the sun rotates around earth.