Moving after obtaining Citizenship


Registered Users (C)
hey fellas.

My question is, if after i get the citizenship i move to Texas. I know i have to spend a year in Texas in order to be considered a resident Texas and be able to pay college tuition as a resident. If i get married after spending a year in Texas and i bring my wife from abroad over to Texas, when i apply for her residency do we need to come back to California since that is where i got my residence and citizenship or we can apply for it in Texas?

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This is a free country, move anywhere you want. Are you seriously out of touch with US way of life?
There's no requirement to reside in the state where you originally obtained citizenship in order to sponsor a relative overseas.

Just make sure the n400 applicant (your wife) satisfies the residency requirement for the n400 application for the service center before you apply.


Just make sure the n400 applicant (your wife) satisfies the residency requirement for the n400 application for the service center before you apply.


The OP's question was about applying (sponsoring) wife for permanent residency once he becomes a citizen, not about where wife has to apply for naturalization once she becomes eligible.
My BAD -(

Since I am waiting for the n400 interview my whole world revolve around n400. -)

Please disregard my comments.

No worries, you meant well..your answer is just doesn't apply to OP's case at this point.:)