Moving after Fingerprinting within the same/different SVC


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Hi Experts,

I was wondering if you would have insights into the following scenarios that I have been thinking abt -

1. After getting Fingerprinted for N-400, if someone moves to another DO (say with faster processing time) within the same service center, how will that affect the timeline? I would think that since the file is not sent to the DO right away, if your address changes while ur file is waiting for an interview, it would get into the interview queue for the other DO within the same SVC. Do they look at ur priority date in this case, or u simple are put at the end of the queue? How does it fit in with the 3 month residency requirement for the DO?

2. After getting Fingerprinted for N-400, if someone moves to another DO (say with faster processing time) under another service center, how will that affect the timeline? I guess this would depend on how fast your file moves from one SVC to the other. How does it fit in with the 3 month residency requirement for the DO?

Any experiences, insights will be greatly appreciated.

for (1), the timeline should not change much. Depends on how good your new DO is. An attorney at mentioned that if you move you dont automatically go to the end of the queue. But its hard to confirm

for (2) you can expect delays. Inter SVC communication sucks.

In general Change of address causes some screwups.