motion to re-open


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My lawyer filed MTR last week.
How much does it take for texas center to reply? Wht shuld i be expecting frm them?
Any help in this matter appreciated.
My lawyer had filed for MTR (For Denial of I-140 - educational reasons) on 29th November and my I-140 got approved on 10th Dec. So it took less than 2 weeks.

Goodluck !
give me more detail - I140 denial

my I140 denial is also based on education. my attorney put "BS" in Lc and not "BS or equivalent". Now I don't have USA BS degree and they denied my 140 and my edu evaluation can make it equvalent to US BS , but that is not acceptable as per the opinion.

What was your problem in education? Please elaborate more so that I can find a way out.

Did your attorney talk about filing anbother 140 on the same labor when you were discussing possible options?
updates from Rajiv Khanna

This is the feedback I got from Attorney Rajiv Khanna.

As per him
- CIS officers doesn't consider Efren Hernandez report
- Filing MTR/appeal is wastage of time and money and success is highly unlikely
- There is no movement from AILA or any other immigration attorneys' assoiciation to protect us from this disaster. Even then the rejection bounces back to there ignorance
- He is ready to handle the case, if somebody wants to file a lawsuit against INS for 140 denial

Only Option :
If LC is not approved yet :
As eastwest mentioned talk to your attorney and make amendment to the labor which can protect you

If LC is approved :
Then its your hard luck. File new LC, if you have time.