Most October Approvals.......


Registered Users (C)
It looks like from Looking at Rupnet , that most of the October 485 Approvals are coming from the Baltimore Local Office , i.e these are the Maryland Cases Transferred to Baltimore Local INS since Baltimore Office has requested VSC that they have manpower to handle extra work Load .
Some of the OCT rd people are lucky. They got interviews ahead of people like me who are having SEP reciept dates in Baltimore.
Hello Mr. SathyaRaj.

You are correct. Thats how the life goes.. Forget October.., even november and december got approved..

You will also see soo many january and Feb will get approved with you..

THATS LIFE..................
Mr. Hhs,

You are right!!. That's life.....

when we filed for our I-140 during Oct 2001. Vermont held the case for those who applied in that time frame for 7 months stating that I-140 has less preference. Now a days it takes only 2 months in VERMONT

I thinik u filed ur I140 in October 2000. I am sure u got ur year wrong.. RIte. coz ur RD is September 2001..

anyways.. Hang in there. U cannot do anything... Ur RD is 28th September.. thats almost become a October case..

So. consider.. Nov and December cases as lucky.. You are still early to get ur green card.

Am i rite............ Its not yet slow for you. Coz.... Still August guys are waiting to be approved.............