Mortgage without a GC. Is it possible


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Mortgage without a GC. Is it possible?

I want to buy a house and is wondering if I can have a mortgage without a green card. Thanks in advance for your input.
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although you get charged more in interest rates and a lot of lenders will not consider your application

I bought my house 3 1/2 years back when even my i-140 was not approved. Things may be tighter now, but if you have good credit, sound savings and are able to prove to potential lenders that you will be a permanent resident soon you should not have a problem.
We have moved house three times without a green card. The last mortgage lender requested copies of our driving licenses.
yes, it is possible

My friend has just bought a condo in San Jose. He will be moving in tomorrow. He has just started his GC - not even close to labor bieng approved even though he has been here 4 years
Thanks very much! could you please provide me the names of those lenders. Thanks again
there is no restriction at all

I bought 3 houses in the past 6 years due to relocation. Only thing matters is credit.
You can contact me at if you have any problem related to getting mortgage for a california property. I have some contacts.

I don't think not having GC will create a hindrance. I bought my first house 1 1/2 year after coming here (on H1). I did not even have enough credit at that time. I was discouraged by every one but it turned out to be the best financial decision of my life. I sold that nuthouse at 90% appreciation (in two years) and bought another one. By the way, my worst financial decision was to open an stock account :).

And if you are planning to buy in San Jose area, I know someone who can give you 1% (of the value of house) to you if choose him as your agent.
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