More useles theories


Registered Users (C)
Ok I have said this before but people just scoffed at the idea. But to me it seems that most of the people who are getting approval are people who have family ie. wife and/or kids. As one IIO told me a month ago, my case will take longer as I am single(huh?). I did not believe them then plus the fact that there are many married folks who have yet to get their approval added to my skepticism.

But the big sticking point is that most people who have got approval (I would dare say 93.5% of them) and posted them here had applied for GC along with their kids/wives. So it seems maybe the IIO was right married folks are getting faster approval than their single counterparts.

Question comments insults are most welcome.

EB2 India PD 01/98, ND 01/25/00, and waiting
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I wish your theory was true. I\'ve been married for a long time and I\'m ND 10/22/99 but I\'ve yet to receive my approval. One possibility is that I\'ve been married too long? Maybe I need to get a divorce and get married again :) My wife received an RFE for marriage certificate so its possible that the INS is suspicious about our marriage since in America most marriages don\'t get past the first year or two and they must be thinking that I\'m trying to pull a fast one by saying I\'ve been married for over a decade.

Just kidding so please do not get offended. :)
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i believe you are right.
i am from country others with Rd of Dec/99.
i got no rfe or anything else. I am single and actually once a lawyer in Va told me the same thing that it takes more time for single people for approval.
VSC told me that my case is in review for the last two months.
i dont believe them. i did not have any company change or anything else. i think most approvals are for families.
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You could absolutely be correct. It might be that applicants who are married are given first preference over their single conterparts. Well there is very little that I/we can do at this point, except to wait and wait....

I being naively optimistic, you never know few of us might get lucky and get approvals along with the married ones\' ( Gumpu lo Govinda )
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The only reason is: if the INS officer approves a family\'s
I485 application, he or she will get more credits because
different I485 forms for husband and wife, so at least from the
the work sheet it looks he/she processed more cases without spendinging more time.
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I don\'t think so - toto. I 485 processing is more individual based rather than job/company based like I 140. So for each member of the family, their whole immigrant status history is reviewed, their medical records are reviewed. These take equal time for the dependents as for the main applicant.

The only extra thing done for the applicant is review of job offer.

It would be really nice to have some explanation why married cases get approved faster.

One thing to consider, however, is that the vast majority pf adjustment applicants are married - because people know that if you get GC unmarried then it is difficult to later marry and bring your spouse to the US. I know of people who have delayed 485 filing after 140 approval just to get married. In this case, the whole argument is moot since the sampling is biased. We just have a lot more married applicants so naturally more married approvals.

Any ideas....
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In general I would agree with sbk. Which leads me to believe that the INS has a hidden agenda in promoting marriage. So a corollary would be that those who got married RECENTLY are the ones who get approved the fastest, which would explain why my case is yet to be approved even though I\'m married.
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dan dan,

You are an exception as you have got an RFE. My theory applies to people getting approvals without RFE. So far this theory is standing up great as ALL the approvals today are for Person X & family. I dare any single guy to prove me wrong. Especially guys with ND >= 1/2000.

And yeah you have my sympathies. That 10 years of marriage should have moved even the most laziest of the IIOs to give you the GC ASAP.
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Hi guys,
I cannot comment on the validity of this theory. My ND is Oct 13, 99. I haven\'t received my approval yet even though I am married for 9 years.

The good part of this discussion is, that I had a hearty laugh at the messages posted under this discussion.

Have a nice day
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I think, INS is considering family first (if it is correct that most married people are getting approval)because INS thinks that Single person might have less problem to go back to their own country than a married person with kids.

Just a thought.

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You are missing the point. I am talking about people who have got approval. Of all the people who have got approvals, a vast majority of them (95.6%) are married. The other 4.4% are unknowns. I have yet to see approval for a single guy here. So this is not about people who did NOT get an approval yet, but my theory is more about people who HAVE got an approval.

BTW, These are some of the things I keep thinking of when my job gets too boring (which is 95.6% of the time.)
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Mahasangram, Don\'t get stressed out. You should be getting your approval anytime. Just hang in there.

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dan dan,
I really enjoyed your postings on this thread. What made it funnier are the postings from people who completely miss the humor in what you say and take it seriously. Keep up the good work, nothing like a good laugh to keep spirits up.
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I think you are wrong. A friend of mine, who was single, filed 485 in Aug 99 and got approval in May 2000 (Total less than 10 months)EB3/India. The service center was TSC though !!!!