more troubles for immigrants

Better safe than sorry

It is a new procedure and hence may cause some heartburn. But, I do think in light of what happened, it is warranted and perfectly OK. There is nothing wrong in showing some caution. If you were the man in charge of running things in US, would you say nothing will change and things will go on as usual after 9/11.

How many of you struggled or rather adhered to what was the norm for getting licenses, passports, etc. in your own country? I for one know getting a passport in India used to take quite a while. Did anyone complain in the days that one had to line up at the US embassies/consulates in India early morning to get the Visas.

Once these DL procedures are in place (I for one, do think that US will come up which something that is reasonable) and a year from now, probably, and et al would list some help and guidelines to get a DL in US and everyone would be prepared for it and accept it as part and parcel of getting the DL.

The problem is the current batch of people are the first to be exposed to it and are more likely the scapegoats to face hardships till some better norms and processes are established. I understand the problems and so many have to suffer because of so few.

Maybe, people can shed some light on the international driving permit and it might be helpful.

Wish you luck!
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I totally disagree with last post.

I'm not against stricter and more cautious checks for anything as long as they apply to ALL. If there was a long wait for passport back in home was same for all. Here immigrants are singled out ( ever wonder why blacks complain about profiling in USA??? because most of the times they are the ones who are being profiled).

If I were the incharge of things.. I would enforce the core of immigration system ( that is to monitor who is eligible to stay until when) and its not too difficult given todays technological advances. BUT US politicians rather gain publicity by such cheap tactics that they are applying everywhere.

Consider someone waiting on I-485 who drives to his work everyday and DL expiring .. and whose EAD is expiring in less than 6 months , he wont be able to get his DL renewed( like someone posted above). Try to analyze things from his point of view.

Its ok if things end here.. but the way things are going, looks like we will have whole set of different regulations for immigrants in almost every field. Which is quite disturbing to a person who wants to live in a FREE COUNTRY. ( i don't know whats free in that anymore. we work and we get paid. )
Re: Better safe than sorry

Originally posted by st8
The problem is the current batch of people are the first to be exposed to it and are more likely the scapegoats to face hardships till some better norms and processes are established. I understand the problems and so many have to suffer because of so few.

vivekm, I can understand that it seems like profiling if you add in the immigrants (GC holders). At the same time, when you look at it as eveyone excluding citizens, it may not be profiling. As for H1, etc. the procedure could become fair when proper rules are established. As I said earlier, it is early stages and hence experimental and the ones hit are the first ones to face it, resulting in more hardships.

How does the international driving permit work? I do know India issues the IDP for 1 year. People who come for less than 1 year should get it instead of obtaining the DL. I do not know how it will work for people with more than a year. Maybe someone who knows the working of it should shed some light.
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st 8 you are suggesting, us, who have suffered by this big political drama, to be just mum and take the hit, b'cos in prestages of an experimental game, it happens.
So we are the ginipigs to be sacrificed for a better cause.

True, these are some hard facts in the life of an immigrant.

And I am realistic enough, to accept these realities, as I know it's futile to resist the bullish power dance that's going on.

However, It would be interesting to know how you reacted, had it happened with you.

You know b'cos it' always easier to preach...
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These are troubling times and lots of hardships for the majority because of the actions of few. The misery is also the revalidation process because most states are only issuing DLs up to the validity of the H1 in the passport and not based on the date in the I-797. I personally hope the revalidation time window is increased to 6 months from the current 60 days.

My only suggestion is if the IDP could be an alternative at least for the first year.

p.s.: I used my IDP and obtained a license near it expiry. One advantage with the IDP, if you get a speeding ticket, just the fine. Disadvantage, you have to carry your passport along with it (which is the rule anyway).
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