more troubles for immigrants


Registered Users (C)
well it seems its only the beginning:

1) Minnesota: for all MN licenses , if you happen to be non-citizen, then it will have a line printed on license:
"check status" and date when visa expires. So that when you are pulled over by trooper.. they can check your license more seriously if this line is on. Even if you move from some other state to MN.. you will have to go thru the whole pain and these strict rules.

2) New Jersey: (looks like this is an old story but i found out only now), DMV in NJ will issue licesnes to foreigners (anyone who is not a citizen) at only 4 offices ( there are more than 40 DMV offices in NJ). Max duration of this license will be as per the maximum visa validity. Anyone who comes to US for less that one year.. will not be eligible. While applying for license.. they will check visa against their central system.

welcome to free country.

To me it seems like US is losing its charm of freeness..
Add kentucky

In Kentucky all immigrants applying for DL are sent to special office of DMV and an officer examines your documents and issues a No-Objection letter. Then only you get new license or transfer of license.
The second point is in Florida too

In florida also only some of the offices can issue Driver Licenses for Non-citizens.
I wouldnt consider this an issue

I dont think this should bother any peaceful lawful immigrant. Any law abiding person should not have a problem in following a few rules and regulations here and there. We have already seen the results of keeping this country free for all and sundry. I would say it is in our better interest that they begin to tighten a few bolts wherever needed. I presume at least 80% of the people using this forum are from the tech industry. We have proper graduate or post graduate degrees from our own country, we have been recruited by companies based here, our papers are perfect, we pay taxes with no issue whatsoever, and we try to abide by every law that has been written on this land. And this economy is immensely benefitted from our services. So why worry??
That news is old...Nov. 19, 2001...
DMV in NJ were always stricter as far as I can remember.
I got my drivers license in 1997 and they already asked me for proof at that a valid work visa, and passport.
Also, they never issued any drivers license to Tourist...this I remembered as my brother couldn't get one with a tourist visa.
Everyone is free to have own opinion.

However there is a difference between obeying all laws (which we all do)... and applying some laws only to a particular section of the society.

Imagine this..suppose they come out with a new rule.. that any foreigner who wants to get a new job (or change).. needs clearance from a central office that he/she did not commit any crime since last job. Some might be ok with this rule.. I am not.
Its ok if it applies to all.. but if it applies only to you.. thats what bothers me.

again.. point is not following rules, rather it is applying different standards for a section of society ( same way they had different rules for blacks and whites before 1960s ..was there anything wrong with that? ofcourse yes).

We pay taxes ( in fact in the recent survey.. immigrants pay more tax on average than citizens).. same as other citizens.. we expect the same service (at least I do)
I think immigrants are paying more taxes because they are paid more...compared to some citizens who are paid probably the minimum wage. If citizens were paid more, that would mean that they have our jobs...which would also mean...U.S. don't need immigrants like us anymore...:D :eek: :) Just a thought...

I cannot agree more with you. :) :)

We are reaping the sour fruits of somebody else (yeah!!!9/11).


It is always a demand-supply chain. We, immigrants are here because there is a demand. Just think, at least we didn't arrive on this land as pirates. We are toiling everyday for want of a good life. Bearing the brunt of mis-doings of terrorists etc. etc.
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I applied for calif. driving license. I had GA license. It took one year to get the plastic card!

Extreme Moon.
DL is a serious issue

well i think this is a good topic for immigrants.
well we want DL and gov. doesn't want to issue DL.
I had hard time getting my license, which was by the way transferred from NY to MD.

MD is very strict in issuing DL(atleast where i went they were)
I was on practical training, they told me first your OPT is going to expired in 2 months so u will get only 2 months license, so i told them i will be back with H1 visa, i went there again with visa approval and employer's letter, but it wasn't enough for them. they wanted visa stamped, so i went to mexico for mutliple entry.
again went to MVA for license. they surprise me again with the problem, my passport and H1 visa has my father's full name while my NY's license has only my middle initial. now they asked me to prove that this both are same person?????????????and i told them you can see picture on both thing, its my pictuer, but according to them it wasn't enough. i went to their boss and explained him the situation, and he said i am doing a great favor to u by issuing this license!!!!!!!what tha f___________.
i didn't say anything gave my pic ang got the hell out of there.

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Pennsylvania is better

I am sorry to read, the problems we immigrants are facing for simple things like Driving Licence.

I stay in PA, and I never had any such problems with DMV. Thank God
In NJ DMV do not listen to your cause

Years back, when DMV issued my DR license, my last name and middle name were interchanged and my Middle name became last name. DMV refused me to correct this error by saying whatever their verdict is final despite my proof of documents SS card, Visa and Passport, Tax papers etc.

Now that Only for Driving, auto registry and insurance my last name is my middle name and in all other areas such as banks, Taxes etc my last name is correct. Initially I did'nt mind this, but now I do not know what to do to correct this issue as DMV is adament and insists their document is right.

I am in Pa too; Pittsburgh has also started to enfore strict measures.
My Friends wife went to get her Licence and since she is on the AOS stage and H4 expired, they refuse to accept the I485 Receipt as proof...
They are issuing validity based on the remaining Period in Visa.
Re: I wouldnt consider this an issue

In NJ,

You can drive on your India Driving License [+ International Driving License] for upto 1 year.


Originally posted by Optimystique
I dont think this should bother any peaceful lawful immigrant. Any law abiding person should not have a problem in following a few rules and regulations here and there. We have already seen the results of keeping this country free for all and sundry. I would say it is in our better interest that they begin to tighten a few bolts wherever needed. I presume at least 80% of the people using this forum are from the tech industry. We have proper graduate or post graduate degrees from our own country, we have been recruited by companies based here, our papers are perfect, we pay taxes with no issue whatsoever, and we try to abide by every law that has been written on this land. And this economy is immensely benefitted from our services. So why worry??
One more good reason for us not to move ( especially to NJ, PA, etc). We live in NC.

We've never had any problem to get DL (new and renew -- they asked for valid passport when my wife went for renew about a month ago...).
One of the issue that might affect us could be "renewal" of our DL. Most of us might already have DL as of now and might not be worried about this issue right now. In case they start new and same regulations for renewal as they have for new ones.. that would affect us.

Right now renewal is peace of cake in most of the states ( just pay renewal fee and get your new DL for another 5 years). I don't know how things will evolve in the near future..but it wont be good to see stricter and visa-duration specific regulations for renewal also.
here we feared, this is for state of Florida:

Renewals, Duplicates or Replacements for Non-United States Citizens

1. Any immigrant holding a driver license or identification card who needs a renewal, duplicate or replacement driver license or identification card must apply in person at a driver license office at least one time after March 1, 2002, and re-present his/her identification documents as required by Florida law.

2.Any non-immigrant holding a driver license or identification card who needs a renewal, duplicate, or replacement driver license or identification card must apply in person at a driver license office.

3.If you do not have the required documents showing legal presence, your driver license or identification card will be retained and a receipt issued. If you have an unexpired driver license, you will be issued a 30-day temporary permit. When you return with the required documentation, you will be processed for a renewal, duplicate or replacement license and the expiration date will be changed to the expiration date on your INS document.

(for complete text goto
NY DMV sucks!!

They would not issue a DL unless you have 6 months or more visa validity, since my EAD has less than 6 months and my H1 has already expired, they did not issue me a NY DL , when I moved from NJ.

They are a paranoid lot now, and taking out their frustrations on us harmless individuals. They get a sadistic pleasures I think in doing so.

Whatever may be the reason the whole illusions of a so called "great country" are fast eroding.
When I went to renew my DL in Ohio, I encountered same probl. They renewed it only for 2 months ( god, it is expiring on Aug 1st ). They did not accept the INS receipt for H1 extension, saying there is no date ( upto what date I am legal in country ) mentioned on it. What do I do now !!! H1 extensions waiting is b/w 30 to 120 days ( official ) from Nebraska .